Reasons for the Growth of Industrialization in America The American Industrial Revolution Introduction
Teacher Instructions Copy 1-per student WORKSHEET #1 & #2 Back-to-Back. Review power point presentation as the students complete the NOTES worksheet and then have students complete the MAP by either drawing pictures or writing a summery of what they have learned. Note: This is a short introduction only. More products can be found in my TpT store.
Take notes on this template
Pair-Share What was the Industrial Revolution? What country did it begin in? What was needed in a country for industrialization to take place?
Objective Students will be able to describe reasons for the growth of industrialization in America by completing a summary template.
The Industrial Revolution Review What is it? The process of developing machine production of goods Where did it begin? Originally began in England Spread across Europe and into the United States When did it begin? In America, it began in the late 1800s Why is it important? It began America’s transformation from an agricultural nation into an industrialized nation. Will lead to America becoming a world power How did it happen? Labor: America had a large work force (Southern and Eastern European immigrants, former farm workers) Abundance of natural resources spread of technology from England
Film Clip Introduction to the Industrial Revolution
Reason #1: Labor The U.S. had a huge labor force Recent immigrants from S.E. Europe Former farm workers
Reason #2: Natural Resources America had plenty of natural resources to start industrialization Oil, coal and iron
Reason #3: New Inventions Eli Whitney: Invented the cotton gin More efficient clothing/textile Thomas Edison: Invented light bulb People could work longer hours Alexander Graham Bell: Invented the telephone Resulted in better communication
HHHHenry Ford: Invented the Assembly Line to produce his car, the Model T TTTThis meant that products could be produced at a much faster rate
Reason #4: Improvements in Transportation Transcontinental Railroad: a railroad system was built which connected the U.S. from coast to coast This led to the growth of towns and opened up trade
Rise of Factories Factories will bring all the labor and machines together to produce good at a much faster rate. However it will also create: Child labor Urbanization Higher death and injury rate
Summary Which of the reasons do you think was the most important cause leading to the growth of Industrialization in America?
Wrap-Up Create pictures or write a summary in the space provided