1780S A Swedish chemist named Carl Scheele shows that changes in colors using silver salts can be made permanent through the use of chemicals.
1826 A French inventor named Nicephore Niepce makes a permanent image by coating a metal plate with a light- sensitive chemical and shining the plate to light for about eight hours.
1830S Louis Daguerre, a French inventor, develops the first practical method of photography by placing a sheet of silver-coated copper treated with crystals of iodine inside a camera and exposing it to an image for 5 to 40 minutes. Vapors from heated mercury developed the image and sodium thiosulfate made the image permanent.
1832 The first animation was made.
1867 William Lincoln invented the first machine patented in the United States that showed animated pictures or movies device called the ʺ wheel of life ʺ or ʺ zoopraxiscope ʺ.
1877 Magic lantern invented America’s first movie studio ʺ Black Maria ʺ. -of-film-and-video-production--2
1888 George Eastman introduces the lightweight Kodak camera, using film wound on rollers.
1888 Edison attempts to record picture photos onto a wax cylinder. ion.htm
1907 Use of cathode ray tube to produce television images.
1911 The first feature film is released when the two reels of D. W. Griffith's Enoch Arden are screened together. ml
1914 In his second big-screen appearance, Charlie Chaplin plays the Little Tramp, his most famous character. Winsor McCay unleashes Gertie the Dinosaur, the first animated cartoon.
1891 Thomas Edison inventing the first camera to ever record video. and-video-production--2
1895 In 1895, a French man named Louis Lumiere invented Cinematograph, a processing unit and projector. People often credit this man as inventing the first video camera.
1927 In 1927 Phonovision was invented. It was the earliest video format, however, it was never very popular like videos are today. It included basic production abilities, like watching it and playing it back, but not much else.
1940 First proposal for color TV. instant&espv=210&ie=UTF- 8#espv=210&q=when+was+colored+tv+invented
1951 Charles P. Ginsburg invented the first video tape recorder captured live images from television cameras by converting the information into electrical impulses and saving the information onto magnetic tape.
1950 The American Broadcasting Company first aired Saturday morning TV shows for children on August 19,
1954 First color broadcast.
2005 YouTube is founded. rome-instant&espv=210&ie=UTF- 8#espv=210&q=when+was+youtube+invent ed