Adverbs English grammar – 2
Adverbs Benjamin runs quickly Adverb Benjamin is a quick boy Adjective
Adverbs Definition: Adverbs give more information about verbs. Definition: Adverbs give more information about verbs. Example: Jill walks slowly. Explanation: Adverbs -- describe the action of a verb. usually end in "-ly." sometimes have irregular forms. usually follow the verb they describe.
Adverbs versus Adjectives Example beautiful Ann is beautiful. beautifully Ann sings beautifully. warm The room is warm. warmly Joe smiles warmly. slow The car is slow. slowly Ann drives slowly.
Regular adverbs Example Sentence Adverb Benjamin runs quickly. quickly My teenage daughter drives carefully. carefully Bart sings loudly in the shower. Loudly The cat walks quietly in the house. quietly The server brings us our food slowly. slowly
Irregular adverbs Example Sentence Adverb The boy hits the ball hard. Heather swims fast. Fast My father wakes up early. early My mother wakes up late. Late Sandra plays the piano well. well
Adverbs – part 2 Definition: Adverbs describe how, when, where, and how often an action happens. Example: Gerry often plays badminton at lunch. Explanation: Adverbs -- answer the questions: When? How often? How long? and Where? can come at the beginning, end, or in the middle of a sentence.
Adverbs of time Adverbs of TIME When? After (later than) I’ll phone you after work Already (at some time in the past) I already saw that movie During (at the same time) I phoned him during a TV commercial Next (nearest in the future) I’m going to Hawaii next week Tomorrow (the next day) Tomorrow is my birthday While (at the same time) While you were out, your girlfriend called
Adverbs of time Adverbs of TIME Frequency (how often?) Always I always have lunch at 12 o’clock Every I have dinner with my brother every Thursday Usually We usually watch TV after dinner Never I will never go to that restaurant again!
Adverbs of time Adverbs of TIME Duration (how long?) For (amount of time) I had to stay in bed for three days Forever (all time) Tom wants to live in Canada forever Since (action begins at a specific time in the past) Tom has been afraid of heights since he fell of the ladder Until (action finishes at a specific point) We can’t leave until the babysitter arrives
Adverbs of place Adverbs of place Where? Everywhere (in all places) Computers are everywhere Here (the place you are) Bring it here, so I can see it There (a place far from you) Jack was there this morning
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