An Orbitally Driven Tropical Source for Abrupt Climate Change Amy C. Clement, Mark A. Cane and Richard Seager by Jasmine Rémillard November 8, 2006
Introduction ● Climate has undergone abrupt changes ● Those changes occurred within decades ● No external forcing that fast ➔ from internal processes or ➔ a rapid response to gradual external forcing
Example – Younger Dryas ● Common explanation : Meltwater pulses from the retreating Laurentide ice sheet ● New explanation : Changes in tropical climate (like ENSO) ● Reason : ✔ Have global impacts on interannual timescales in present days ● Problems : ✗ Meltwater pulse prior to the onset and after its end ✗ Deep water formation weaken way before ✗ Ocean circulation recovered only after ✗ Deep water formation take a long time to respond ✗ Impacts on wide regions of the globe
What is ENSO ● El Niño/Southern Oscillation ● Related to the SST of the equatorial Pacific ● 2 phases El niño : warmer SST La niña : cooler SST ● Cause by anomalous equatorial winds over the Pacific ocean Cause of those anomalies is unknown ● Long-range effect because of the change in the evaporation/precipitation over the equator
General picture (for the winter) El niño La niña Sea surface temperature Surface air temperature
Modeling experiments ● Coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropical Pacific ● Linear dynamics ● Nonlinear thermodynamics ➔ Reproduces well the behavior of the present day ENSO : ✔ Quasiperiodic ✔ Irregular ✔ Partially locked to the seasonal cycle
More experiments ● Changing the Earth's orbital parameters (Milankovitch forcing) ➔ Changes in seasonal cycle ➔ Anomalous heat flux into the ocean
Decomposing the solar forcing ● First two EOFs describe the precession through the year of the perihelion, with most of the total variance We are near a negative maximum of the 1 st EOF (perihelion occurs near boreal winter) Positive 2 nd EOF results in a strengthening of the seasonal cycle in the equatorial Pacific
2 regimes of ENSO behavior ● Increased seasonal cycle strength Strong oscillation Highly regular Period of 3 years ● Damped seasonal cycle Strong oscillation Fairly irregular Period of 4 years
Transition ● Minimum in total variance ● Oscillations moderately regular ● Happens when perihelion is in winter or summer ➢ Return period of 11 kyr ➢ No clearly defined mode of behavior ➢ Episodically lock to the period of the forcing (1 yr) ● Shutdown of ENSO ● Maximal length when weak eccentricity ● Not guaranteed to happen ● No preferred timescale
Shutdowns ● Some orbital configurations lead to an abrupt locking of the ENSO variability to the seasonal cycle (shutdown) Mean SST similar to a La Niña event Recurs every ~11 kyr (½ precession cycle) Variable duration ● One of them occurred ~12 kyr ago ● Coincides with the Younger Dryas
Robustness ● Alteration of the drag coefficient (C d ) Measure of the surface wind stress anomalies Controls the effective dynamical coupling ● Under modern orbital configuration C d =90%-100% chaotic regime C d =80% mode locked C d <80% no coupled instability and oscillation C d =110% stronger and less regular
More robustness ● Under the orbital forcing C d =90% ➔ Regimes qualitatively similar ➔ More dramatic shutdowns C d <90% ➔ Always in shutdown C d =110% ➔ Regimes qualitatively similar ➔ Doesn't lock (no shutdown) ➔ Thus, it is a nonlinear dynamical regime
Conclusions ● Smoothly variable orbital forcing can provoke abrupt climate response ● Character of the response depends on the value of C d and the presence of noise ● Heinrich events could also be paced by the solar forcing ● Younger Dryas would be a return of these orbitally paced events
Future ● More complete models Influence of additional processes ● Further investigation of the link between abrupt climate change and orbital forcing Modeling and observational perspectives Nature of abrupt climate change Possible future behavior of ENSO