HELPA ELPA! 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
4 Tasks 1. Learn to set up the headphones. 2. learn how to get onto the practice test and take it. 3. learn about different tools to use for improving results 4. Learn how to create a test session (if you don’t have support from your testing coordinator) and start the actual test yourself Justin Johnson PPS
Setting Up Headsets on a Mac Plug headphone in. Click on the system preferences icon. Click on the Sound Icon 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
USB External Headphones USB Justin Johnson PPS
USB External Headphones USB 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
Check to see if they work Go to practice test and try the sound check Justin Johnson PPS
Setting up headsets on a PC Plug in headset. Open the Control Panel from Start Menu > Control Panel>Sound and Audio Device Properties Under Sound Recording, adjust the sound input settings for recording speech into the microphone Justin Johnson PPS Select “Media USB Headphone Set”
Under Sound Playback, adjust the Sound Output you hear through the headphones: Set the computer to use the USB Headphone Set 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
Click OK to save changes. Click the Volume button to open the Speaker window. Under speaker column, make sure the Mute All checkbox is not selected. Use the Volume slide bar under the Speaker column to set the volume output to Low (see WARNING above). The volume can adjusts later, if needed. Select the check box Use only default devices or Use only preferred devices Justin Johnson PPS
How do I do a practice test? Open up Firefox and type in in the address bar and click return. Or Click on the OAKS 5.O browser icon on the screen 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
If you opened up the OAKS 5.O browser, your screen looks sort of like this.. But it says student name (first), ssid # and session id. On the bottom it says skip this and go to the practice test. Click on it. Skip this and go to the practice test 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
If you clicked on Firefox you should see this screen and click on “Students” 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
Step Justin Johnson PPS
Step Justin Johnson PPS
Selecting Grade level and confirming info. #1 Select grade. #2 Click Yes Justin Johnson PPS
Choose the test. Choose the ELPA! 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
Recording Status 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
How to strike-through. Click on the sentence. Press Control M Click on the sentence. Press Control M 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
How to highlight 2011 Justin Johnson PPS #1 click and drag over words you want to highlight #2 press contol M #3 select Highlighter This is what is should do.
Take the Practice test or learn about Testing Administration? 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
Students will see something similar to this when they sign in. They need 3 things to sign in: 2011 Justin Johnson PPS
Pick a computer only you will use. This will be the TA computer. Type in Justin Johnson PPS 1 1 Use Firefox Only!!!
Teachers (TAs) will see this when they sign in Justin Johnson PPS Click Test Administration 2
Then Teachers will see this. Sign in Justin Johnson PPS 3 3
This is the TA window. Choose what grade-level ELPA test you are administering and click [Start Session] This will give you the session ID students need to log in Justin Johnson PPS Test sessions automatically expire upon TA logout -sessions cannot be resumed (A new session ID is generated for each session)
As the TA, make sure to “Approve” students as they log in. Notice: -Test in Session -Students needing approval to start testing -Students with test in progress -print requests 2011 Justin Johnson PPS 7 7
Student Test Settings and Approvals Adjust test settings for an individual student: print size, accomodations, print on request… Justin Johnson PPS
Remember! Order Headphones Work with your testing coordinator Refer to ELPA cheat sheet Make index cards with names and ss ID #s for each student to streamline logging in Only use Firefox as your browser. Session IDs change every time you log out Justin Johnson PPS