Shaune Coughlin Donna Dealy Tony Leger Ruth Murray Terri-Lynn Smith
TIP Model Scenario #3 Mr. Elliot, a fourth grade teacher, has several ESL students in his room. These students have problem reading independently. He needs to increase their reading comprehension but does not have time to read to each student individually. He needs a way to have them read books aloud and then answer comprehension questions.
Use Multimedia to help!!
Audacity is a free open source software for recording and editing sounds. Cross platform Fab 5 Media\audacity- manual-1.2.pdf Fab 5 Media\audacity- manual-1.2.pdf Mr. Elliot can read and record stories for the students. You need a microphone. Sample
m/watch?v=jXUJyV6hV Hk m/watch?v=jXUJyV6hV Hk m/watch?v=M1IqWoW u8gU&feature=related m/watch?v=M1IqWoW u8gU&feature=related
Mr. Elliot can use audio track from Audacity in Movie Maker. Students can create their own audio books and choose pictures to illustrate the stories. Sample of Movie Maker file Sample of Movie Maker file m/watch?v=3ZZij3NNyV g m/watch?v=3ZZij3NNyV g
GarageBand 8 Personal recording studio. Create, edit, audio tracks, movie soundtracks, audio books, podcasts. GarageBand 08.pdf iMovie Allows you to edit pictures, video and audio. I used iMovie 6 to create an example of the storybook. Chipmunk.dv
Highly motivating! Benefit - Students will get excited about reading. Real world examples can be used. Students can take pictures of the various environments in their life and develop stories surrounding them. Benefit – they are exposed to the language of the environments
Final product looks and sounds much more “professional”. Benefit – students are keen to do their best work, especially if it is going to be shared with others. Immerse student in language. Benefit – learn meanings of unfamiliar words, jargon/slang/figurative language, and grammatical features (tense for instance) all in context.
Builds self-confidence Benefit – students will learn the language much faster. Preserve Culture Benefit – students can share stories about their own culture to preserve it and to teach their classmates about another culture.
Students can express their creativity. Benefit – take the stress off of the language aspect as they focus on their creative side. Work collaboratively Benefit – develop conversational skills and peer relationships.
Higher Level Thinking Benefit – planning, organizing, and being able to use various intelligences to create their story.
Change a Story. Students can use a text read in class and change it. Students can read the story they create orally. Rereading to build fluency. Add story to the students IPod./MP3, etc… to practice at home.
Running Records to track and report progress Reading Comprehension Rubric Fab 5 Media\ReadingComprehensionRu bric.pdf Reading Journals/Logs Guided reading groups Resource Teacher Intervention Reading Comprehension Tests New Brunswick Department of Education.docx
Use previously purchased books on tape or CD. Connect to the CNIB or local library who have books on tape. If you are in District 2, the inmates in Dorchester penitentiary have read books on tape in previous years.
Students would be able to able to use earphones and microphones and not disturb or disrupt the class. Center Situation
Many computers come with built in microphones – you may not even be aware of this. – Poor Quality – You get what you pay for Headset microphones are a better option – Various sizes and qualities – Reduce noise in the classroom
Dynex Headset With Microphone (DX-28) ~ $25 cnd. Poor sound quality. Affordable. You get what you pay for.
Logitech USB Headset ~ $40 cnd. Right ear piece not comfortable. Plug and Play. Good sound quality for the price.
Plantronics Audio 90 ~ $400 cnd. Durable. High Sound quality. Full Stereo Headphones. – Noise Cancelling. Comfortable. EXPENSIVE!!!!
Drucker, Mary J. “What Reading Teachers Should Know about ESL Learners” The Reading Teacher Klesius and Griffith “Interactive Storybook Reading for At-Risk Learners The Reading Teacher Avalos, Plasencia, Chavez, and Rascon “Modified Guided Reading: Gateway to English as a Second Language and Literacy Learning” The Reading Teacher Dunkelblau, Helene “ESL Students Discover the Rewards of Reading through Reader Response Journals” Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice Department of Education Portal (Reading Stadards)
tutorial m/watch?v=jXUJyV6hV Hk tutorial m/watch?v=jXUJyV6hV Hk m/watch?v=M1IqWoW u8gU&feature=related m/watch?v=M1IqWoW u8gU&feature=related tutorial m/watch?v=3ZZij3NNyV g tutorial m/watch?v=3ZZij3NNyV g