Proper grammar in sentence construction is important in every writing assignment a person does. Grammar is defined as the set rules that direct the flow of words, phrases and clauses in any given common language. The evolution of grammar started with the growth of population and thus the growth of influences that govern how individuals speaks and writes. In line with this, standards and guidelines have been set that created a discrepancy to the grammars that are common with the grammars that are correct.
Correct grammar goes hand in hand with the culture f a certain country and thus no grammar is alike in between nations and continents. Terms such as British Grammar, Standard Chinese and Modern Standard Arabic provide different set of rules in grammar instruction that applies to the customs and normal ways of the people living. The most common and widely accepted is the English grammar that became the foundation of the other grammatical rules that has developed.
Effective study of grammar is needed as part of education starting from the developing years to the advance learning stage. Having a right knowledge on how to properly construct sentences contributes to the common writing assignments set by the institution and will also help to ensure that the paper composition will be successful. It is also significant to provide good grammar not just in writing but also in speaking for it is the basis of understanding and harmonious communication between the communities.
Grammatical errors are acceptable for those who have just learned a new language but for someone who have been in the years of formal education following the same verbal communication, having grammatical errors can either give a bad impression or sudden change as to what is truly meant.
Listen Having a help from a native speaker will further increase the chance of having a grammar enhancement. Watch English television shows or listen to radios to hear how words are being spoken. Speak Learning grammar will be a difficult task if one is not a speaker of the said language. Speaking will enable a person to create a pattern and will then be reflected on his or her writings.
Read Reading is a good way to increase grammar and enhance a person’s vocabulary. Read aloud for it will better out the perspectives of the message and exercise the flow of words. Write Writing is the best form of practice to good grammar for it will give an opportunity to practice and hone a person’s skills.