What is the Dewey Decimal System It is a general knowledge organization tool to organize information into ten subject areas that is broken down into smaller topics which cover the entire world of knowledge. It is used to locate material in the libraries and other institutions across the world.
Who is Melvil Dewey He was a librarian who invented the Dewey Decimal Classification System. The system is designed to find information in the library. He was a founder of the American Library Association.
Categories of Books Fiction Non-Fiction Reference
Fiction Books These books are not real events or information. They are imaginary and made up by the authors.
Non-Fiction Books These books contain real facts and information.
What is the division of the Dewey Decimal System It is divided into ten main classes. Each main class is further divided into ten divisions, and each division into ten sections. The first digit in each three-digit number represents the main class. Example: 300 represent Social Sciences The second digit in each three-digit number indicates the division. Example: 310 represent Statistics The third digit in each three digit number indicates the section. Example 613: for Personal Health and Safety
Ten Main Classes of Dewey 000 Computer Science, Information & General Works 100 Philosophy & Psychology 200 Religion 300 Social Sciences 400 Language 500 Science 600 Technology 700 Arts & Recreation 800 Literature 900 History & Geography
000- General Works This section houses encyclopedia, biographies, periodicals, journalism, and information about computer science
100- Philosophy and Psychology This section houses subjects on ethics, feeling, death, etc.
200-Religion This section houses different books for religious beliefs such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and others. Greek Mythology can be found here as well.
300 Social Sciences Books that relate to subjects on career, government, and folktales are located in this area.
400- Language Books whose subject matter include English, grammar, and dictionaries, and languages such as Chinese, French, Spanish, and others.
500- Natural Science Books that have subject matter in mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, zoology, and botany are found in this area.
600- Technology and Applied Science Books that have subject matter in medicine, engineering, agriculture, home economics, radio, TV, and aviation are found in this section.
700- Arts & Recreation Houses books that relate to subject matter in architecture, sculpture, painting, music, photography and recreation.
800- Literature This section includes books about plays, poems, essays, literature in foreign languages.
900- History & Geography Books found in this area is about history, biography, geography, and other related disciplines.