Protestant Reformation Standard 7.9.1 List the causes for the internal turmoil in and weakening of the Catholic church (e.g., tax policies, selling of indulgences) Standard 7.9.2 Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale)
The Protestant Reformation… … was a PROTEST against church abuses and a REFORM movement in the Christian church.
Background In Medieval times Catholic Christianity dominated the lives of people. Since most people were uneducated, however, their understanding of Christianity was often distorted with some superstitions and imaginary concepts. Fear of damnation in an afterlife was of major concern.
Foundations for Reform Renaissance education which emphasized critical thinking. Availability of printed books such as the Bible. Humanist values and increased focus on this life vs. afterlife. Abuses of the Church: • The Popes’ involvement in political issues Priests did not know basic church teachings • Sale of indulgences • Sale of Church Offices
Martin Luther Monk and Professor at Wittenberg University, Saxony. Felt that religious truth is found in the Bible. Believed that anyone could have a direct relationship with God and that people did not need priests to talk to God or interpret the Bible for them. Criticized Church practices and the leadership of the Church in 95 Theses, which he nailed to the door of a church.
95 Theses 5. The Pope will not, and cannot, forgive other punishments than those which he has imposed by his own ruling according to the laws. 21. Therefore, those preachers of indulgences make a mistake by saying that by the Pope’s indulgence, a man may be exempt from punishments and saved. 43. Christians should be taught that he who gives to the poor, or lends to a needy man, does better than buying indulgences.
Sale of Indulgences Fundraiser for the Catholic Church “Once you hear the money’s ring, the soul from purgatory is free to spring.” - John Tetzel Fundraiser for the Catholic Church Paid for the arts and lavish lifestyles of Church leaders Reduced time spent in purgatory (the place where souls went before going to heaven) to pay for sins or even future sins Ensured admission to heaven Leo X revived the sale of indulgences to fund his extravagant lifestyle.
Lutheranism Emerges Pope Leo X summons Luther and asks him to recant (withdraw). Pope Leo X issues a Papal Bull to excommunicate Luther for committing heresy. Luther founds the Lutheran Church based on “Justification of Faith” arguing that it is faith alone which brings salvation. Martin Luther burns the Papal Bull issued by Pope Leo X.
Other Reformers William Tyndale Desiderius Erasmus Believed everyone should be able to read and interpret the Bible. Translated the Bible into English. Upset the clergy who tried to arrest him; he fled and sent his translations back to England anyway. Catholic authorities executed him for this. Desiderius Erasmus A Christian humanist who developed a new form of religion called “the philosophy of Christ”. He felt that religion should be a guiding philosophy rather than a strict set of rituals and practices to follow. He also criticized the abuses of the church. He laid the foundation for Martin Luther.
John Calvin John Calvin In 1541 the people of Geneva, Switzerland declared him their religious and political leader. Believed in predestination: the idea that God knew who would be saved before they were even born. Developed a following called Calvinists. Wrote laws forbidding many forms of entertainment. Did not believe that the pursuit of profits was sinful; this helped lay the foundation for capitalism!
King Henry VIII King Henry VIII His rebellion was rooted in personal politics, not religion Rebelled against the Catholic church when the Pope would not grant him a divorce from his infertile wife, Catherine Married Ann Boleyn and had yet another girl, Elizabeth I Declared himself leader of the new Anglican church Opened the door for England to adopt Protestant ideas
Results Christianity Catholicism Protestantism Lutheran Calvinism Puritan Huguenots Presbyterianism