Place Value Through Thousandths Lesson 1-3 ACOS N1.2
Numbers less than 1 can be written using decimal place value. Key Idea Numbers less than 1 can be written using decimal place value.
Place Value A decimal is a number with a decimal point (.) . A decimal point separates the whole numbers from the part that represents part of one whole. As with whole numbers, each digit to the right of the decimal point has its own value. The place-value chart shows the names of the places. The decimal 4.853 is made up of 4 ones, 8 tenths, 5 hundredths, and 3 thousandths.
It’s a FACT! Use place value to read a decimal or to determine the value of a digit in a decimal numeral. In the decimal system, each place to the left has 10 times the value of the place on its right.
It’s a Fact! 5 2 1 . 8 6 3 7 Hundreds Tens Ones Tenths Hundredths Thousandths Read as 5 2 1 . 8 521 and 8 tenths 6 3 7 62 and 37 hundredths 5 thousandths
Vocabulary Tenths – Hundredths – Thousandths – Equivalent decimals –
Decimal Points The decimal point separates the whole number part of the decimal number from the fractional part of the decimal number. The places to the right of the decimal point end with ths. You say tens on the left side of the decimal point, but tenths on the right side.
To Read a Decimal Say the whole number first if there is one. Say “and” for the decimal point. Say the rest of the number as a whole number. Say the place of the last digit. For 62.37, say: “sixty-two and thirty-seven hundredths”.
Equivalent Decimals Adding a “0” to the right side of a decimal does not change its value. These numbers are equivalent to each other. EX: 0.68 = 0.680 = 0.6800 Adding a “0” immediately after the decimal DOES change its value. These numbers are not equivalent to each other. EX: 0.68 > 0.0680 > 0.00680
Practice Write each number in standard form: 36 hundredths _________________ 3 and 5 hundredths _____________ Write the digit for each place in 1,246.305. tens ____ tenths _____ thousandths ____ Name the place value of the digit 3 in each number. 45.3 __________ 0.13 ______________ 3,004 ________________
Ways to Write Numbers - Review Word form: One billion, four hundred seven million, seven hundred thirty-nine thousand Standard form: 1,407,739,000 Expanded form: 1,000,000,000 400,000,000 7,000,000 700,000 30,000 9,000
We will complete this together. Group Practice Math Workbook p. R 1-3 We will complete this together.
Homework Math Workbook p. P 1-3. This will be presented and noted as completed when I check your agenda in the morning.