UNDP/GEF Main Streams of Life Wetland PA System Strengthening for Biodiversity Conservation Developing “Report Templates” to assist in ProDoc formulation: Review, Discussion & Elaboration of draft templates for national specialists
Working together | ProDoc formulation Dr J Marc Foggin, Plateau Perspective (Xining, Qinghai, China) Report Templates for National Specialists UNDP/GEF MSL ProgrammeBeijing, China6 June 2012
Working together | ProDoc formulation J Marc Foggin Conservation biologist, also community development >15 years in China, living/working in Qinghai Province and Tibet Autonomous Region Associate Professor, Qinghai Normal University Honorary Research Fellow, University of Kent International Director, Plateau Perspectives
Working together | ProDoc formulation Who has come together today? SFA, UNDP, FAO, Provincial governments, and many institutions / researchers / specialists, etc. MSL Programme encompasses many provinces and sites: In Anhui Province, Hainan Province, Heilongjiang province, Hubei Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Jiangxi Province, Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Three main project components –Building systemic and institutional capacity for managing wetland ecosystems and protected areas in Xinjiang UAR –Developing the Altai Protected Area Network as a model for effective biodiversity conservation at the landscape level –Demonstration of effective wetland PA management through development of alternative livelihood programmes and community co-management in the Altai Liangheyuan Nature Reserve, working in collaboration with local nomadic (herding) Kazakh communities Goal: To strengthen management effectiveness of the PA landscape in Altai Mountains and Wetlands Main Streams of Life (MSL) Programme
Project Preparation Grant (PPG) process How do we achieve the PPG goal of ProDoc formulation? Multiple stakeholders Government bureaus Individual specialists Local communities Key factor for project success is open & regular communication and collaboration / cooperation
Multiple stakeholders = complexity Many different areas of expertise required Both global and local knowledge important Much information is needed, as well as an appropriate integration of all the data and information into single coherent ProDoc for each sub-project (e.g., Altai Wetlands) Sustainable Outcomes Involvement of multiple stakeholders
Specialist consultants available –Biodiversity conservation, PA planning –Socioeconomics, community co-management –Economic valuation of ecosystem services –Biodiversity health indicators (BHI) –Legal and institutional capacities –Development and sector planning –PA information and data management What do we need to know? What information, and who to collect it?
Capacity review BHI development PA data management KAP survey, incl. gender PA financing needs Profiling wetland PAs Feasibility analysis (Sector planning) PPG for sample sub-project Core PPG activities, leading to ProDoc National specialists’ areas ofresponsibility and leadershipare largely aligned, but not exclusively aligned, to the core PPG activities.
Cross-fertilization of ideas and inputs to sub-project ProDocs MSL Programme Xinjiang project Hainan project Other projects Team Leaders Specialists
Sample table of specialists’ core responsibilities PPG activity 1 Key roles, and deliverables 2 Approx. deadline Overview of colleagues involved 3 1/ Capacity review -- H,B (also D,I) 2/ BHI development -- F,C (also B,G) 3/ PA data management (Shall contribute to this section) 1 --E (also C,D,F) 4/ KAP survey, gender (Shall contribute to this section) 1 --J (also D) 5/ PA financing needs -Report on community needs, also on potential for their involvement in eco-compensation schemes -Report on development of alternative livelihoods (e.g., ecotourism) Sept 2012G,C (also B,D,I) 6/ Profiling of wetland PAs -Review, analyze and profile wetland PA sub-system and targeted PA sites; produce map profile of wetland sub- system and PA sites; -Assess and analyze threats, root causes and impacts on biodiversity & ecosystem function, with focus on local people and communities; -Describe socio-economic context and land use in project region and in PAs; develop map of local communities and land use for wetland sub-system Sept 2012C,D (also E,H) 7/ Feasibility analysis, etc. (Shall contribute to this section) 1 --B,C (also D,I) To be considered in conjunction withmore detailed description of PPGactivities (as outlined in originalproject document).
Following a general familiarization with the ProDoc template, each specialist should… –Write according to agreed sections or headings, not only according to interests, or too broad terms –Interact and dialogue as appropriate with other specialists (some guidance is provided in Table) –Pre-plan fieldtrip, and make clear list of contacts to facilitate follow-up, as necessary or as requested Suggested approach for the development of specialists’ reports
based on documents, correspondence with team members, etc. Sample headings / categories for specialist input Socio-economic situation, and local/regional land use Profile of wetland PA sub-system at provincial/local levels This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it Potential for community co-management (e.g., monitoring) * Threats, root causes and impacts of current situation Community profiles, in target PAs and adjacent areas Recommendations for PA financing, incl. eco-compensation ✓ Barriers to the proposed solutions (as outlined in the PIF) Note: * Community co-management is more than ‘free labor’ by local communities, in support of nature reserve or other conservation authorities’ goals and project activities; it is a bi-directional partnership in which both conservation and development objectives of both parties are considered in depth, and solutions sought through collaborative efforts.
Templates Table of roles & deliverables, according to PPG activities Suggested main topics (or headings) for each specialist Additional information requested from each specialist: Full list of colleagues, institutions, bureaus, etc. with appropriate contact details, and type of info available Compilation of key documents, whether in English or in Chinese; ideally making copies available, minimally with full reference information Potential contributors to project implementation (also include an extended list of stakeholders – with specific reason to include new elements, not generic inclusion)
As sections are written, presenting relevant information … specialists will have insights not only into how to write a successful proposal, but more importantly into how the work/project should proceed in practice, to reach the very important goals of the MSL Programme – please write up these significant insights in the form of recommendations for the project Headings … and recommendations
To facilitate inclusion of recommendations, several tables also are suggested at the end of the report template document… –Each specialist’s “Top 3” recommendations –List of notable other projects or initiatives in the area –Perceived shortcomings or challenges in the current plan, with proposed solutions or actions to consider –List of stakeholders not yet included in project plan After writing the reports…
While fact-finding and writing, always keep project goals in mind; as this will enhance project quality through collection of relevant information, and valuable recommendations. Writing toward common purpose Summary of the process of ProDoc planning & writing Team work, collaboration Successful formulation of the ProDoc Agreed roles and deliverables, and targeted writing
Other recommendations? How can we improve on current suggestions? PIF Specialist Inputs ProDoc WHAT INFORMATION DO WE NEED? HOW CAN WE FACILITATE COLLECTION, AND PRESENTATION OF INFORMATION? SUGGESTIONS FOR REPORT TEMPLATE? (Q&As, discussion…)
Dr J Marc Foggin International Team Leader Xinjiang Altai Mountains and Wetlands