AROMATHERAPY AND ESSENTIAL OILS A Complementary & Alternative Approach to Wellness Chelsea L. Giles HSC 300: Professor McMullen 4/26/2015
INTRODUCTION Aromatherapy- the therapeutic use of essential oils from plants to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Aromatherapy is the fastest growing alternative therapy in the United States. Personally being diagnosed with IBS 10 years ago and finding minimal relief I wanted to know: Does the use of aroma therapy and essential oils help effectively manage symptoms of IBS compared to traditional medicine?
ORIGIN OF AROMATHERAPY Essential oils have been used years before Christ to cure illnesses. In 1817 it was discovered that Ebers Papyrus mentions 800 different formulas of herbal medications, which dates back to 1500 B.C. ! The ancient Arabian people studied the chemistry of plants and developed processes of distillation. Ancient Egyptians used essential oils to soften and protect their skin. 12 th Century Europe was introduced to spices, herbs, and exotic scents via trade routes from the Middle East. Shaman’s used herbs and aromatic baths in the US to transform their patient’s energy fields, which is still used today.
DISCOVERY OF AROMATHERAPY “Aromatherapie” was first coined by Maurice-Rene Cattefosse in Maurice discovered the healing properties of essential oils by accident Accident that lead to discovery: Maurice-Rene Cattefosse was working in his laboratory in After being burned by a lab experiment gone wrong he raced for a vat of water. Maurice accidentally put his arm in a vat of lavender oil. Over the next couple weeks he noticed the burned healed rather quickly and left no scar.
CHARACTERISTICS OF ESSENTIAL OILS ~Top Note Oils * These oils have anti-viral properties and they evaporate quickly. This allows them to be light fresh and uplifting. Usually relatively inexpensive ~Middle Note Oils * These oils give body and blend to an oil mixture. They are normally warm and soft fragrances. It takes a few minutes to establish their scents ~Base Note Oils * These scents are heavy and have a vary solid fragrance. Their intense, rich, and relaxing scent lasts for a long time. Most expensive type of essential oil
Top Note OilsMiddle Note OilsBase Note Oils Basil Bergamot Cajuput Cinnamon Clary Sage Coriander Eucalyptus Grapefruit Hyssop Lemon Lemongrass Lime Mandarin Neroli Verbena Niaouli Peppermint Petit grain Raven Sara Sage Spearmint Tagetes Tangerine Tea Tree Thyme Bay Black Pepper Cardamom Chamomile Cypress Fennel Geranium Ho Leaf Ho Wood Hyssop Juniper Lavender Marjoram Melissa Myrtle Nutmeg Palma Rosa Pine Rosemary Spikenard Yarrow Balsam Peru Cassia Cedarwood Cinnamon Clove Frankincense Ginger Jasmine Myrrh Oakmoss Patchouli Rose Rosewood Sandalwood Valerian Vanilla Vetier Ylang
AROMATHERAPY APPLICATIONS Diffusion Direct Inhalation Humidifier/Vaporizer Massage Compresses Shower Gels
AROMATHERAPY PROCESS Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants as a complementary health approach. Essential oils can be inhaled or applied topically to all parts of the body except the eyes. Concentrated essential oils should be diluted before application and should not be ingested in their concentrated form. Applications can be administered by an aroma therapists in spas or at home. The duration of treatment can range from a message lasting a few seconds to hours
AROMATHERAPY COSTS Essential oils purchased individually can fluctuate from $8 - $200 The characteristics and quantity of the oil greatly effect cost. Aromatherapy at Health Centers Individuals consult with a masseuse to discuss health in order for masseuse to develop a special blend of essential oils to elicit the desired effect. 30 minute consultation and treatment- $50 1 hour consultation and treatment - $ hour consultation and treatment-$135 2 hour consultation and treatment- $170
AROMATHERAPY BENEFITS Aromatherapy can be beneficial to people of all ages, genders, and nationalities. The International Federation of Aroma therapists states that: “Aromatherapy enhances well-being, relieves stress, and helps rejuvenate and regenerate the body.” Essential oils contain chemical properties that enter the body and interact with the body pharmacologically, physiologically, and psychologically. Aromatherapy can treat a wide variety of unpleasant health symptoms.
PRACTITIONER REGULATIONS Aromatherapy is an unlicensed and unregulated field for the practice of aromatherapy and the production of aromatherapy products. In the United States anyone can call themselves an “aromatherapist” or say the practice “aromatherapy” The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy as established guidelines for certifications and Standards of Training Levels. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy also provided a list of aromatherapy programs that they approve.
MECHANISMS OF ACTION Inhalation The essential oil molecules adhere to the mucous membrane of the olfactory cilia in the nasal cavity. When molecules from essential oils adhere to the cilia of the olfactory receptors it is transduced into neural messages, which elicit chemical and emotional responses in the body. When inhaled, molecules from essential oils also enter the respiratory system and circulate throughout the body. Absorption Essential oils applied topically penetrate the skin and are absorbed into the intercellular fluid and the circulatory system brining about widespread effects.
PRECAUTIONS Epilepsy - should avoid sweet fennel High blood pressure- avoid rosemary, sage, or thyme Pregnant -avoid arnica, basil, clary, sage, cypress, jasmine, marjoram, myrrh, sage, or thyme. First Trimester of Pregnancy- avoid the use of peppermint, rose, or rosemary.
RECOMMENDATIONS Avoid contact with the eyes! Test the essential oils on a small area of skin and if irritation occurs, discontinue use. If using essential oils at home in a diffuser or vaporizer test it in a small secluded location, to make sure no respiratory irritation occurs. If an allergic reaction evolves from the use of essential oils contact emergency medical specialists. Contact an aroma therapist through the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy for recommendations if essential oils are being used on: Young children The elderly Pregnant women Individuals with preexisting respiratory complications Individuals with sensitive skin Individuals with a disease or cancer.
WHAT IS IBS? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)- a functional bowel disorder that is diagnosed after all other bowel diseases have been eliminated. The primary dysfunction of the bowel is the inability to properly move the contents of the GI tract along normally. Diet and stress are the primary triggers for increasing the intensity of the IBS symptoms.
ESSENTIAL OILS HELPFUL FOR IBS Slippery Elm- soothes and lubricates the GI tract Peppermint Oil- helps remove gas, reduce cramping, and reduce muscle spasms to calm the GI tract. Ginger- reduces gas and gas pains Chamomile- anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic Fennel- relieves gas and indigestion Myrrh- acts as antibacterial agent in the stomach and stimulates the flow of gastric juices to aid digestion. Yarrow- stimulates the flow of bile, calms muscles, and relieves spams Basil- soothe GI tract Neroli/Orange- GI antispasmodic, provides constipation relief
ABSTRACT SUMMARY Cumin Extract for Symptom Control in Patients with IBS 57 women with no other known illnesses were given 20 drops of cumin extract per day. The women had similar IBS symptoms Level of discomfort and defecation frequency were recorded 2 & 4 weeks before treatment, during treatment, and after treatment Conclusion: cumin extract can be effective in improving all IBS symptoms. Treatment for Abdominal Pain in IBS 200 women with no other known illnesses were given lotion containing peppermint oil to be rubbed onto the lower abdominal area 3x a day for 2 months. Women’s symptoms were primarily abdominal pain. Women’s perceived level of pain were taken once a week starting two weeks prior to treatment through two weeks after discontinuing treatment. Conclusion: peppermint oil is effective at treating abdominal pain for IBS and is chosen as the first line of defense.
ABSTRACT SUMMARY CAM in IBS: An Integrative View 200 individuals who suffer from IBS were studied. 100 were given aromatherapy treatment and 100 were given traditional medicine. Subjects were evaluated for pain and stress relief. Conclusion: aromatherapy proved to yield a high degree of symptom relief compared to traditional medicine. Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils for IBS Treatment Researches predict that IBS may result from alteration of the GI microbiota and could be treated with antibiotics. Extracts of coriander, lemon balm, and spearmint leaves were tested for their antibacterial activity on a variety of bacteria. Conclusion: when mixed with ethanol or methanol the extracts showed to have potent antibacterial properties, even eliminating E. Coli. The ability of these extracts to effectively treat IBS was inconclusive.
PERSONAL TESTIMONY In 2005 I was diagnosed with IBS, when not a lot was known about IBS. It was not until 2011 when I first found some relief in my symptoms by the use of peppermint oil capsules that are coated specially for release in the GI tract, which has reduced bloating. I purchased an essential oil from Bio Source Naturals three weeks ago containing: black pepper, cinnamon, pink grapefruit, rosemary, and sweet Marjoram oils. The Bio Source blend in supposed to be effective in promoting GI mobility and consequently reducing abdominal pain. After adding one drop of oil to a handful of lotion and applying it to my lower abdomen twice daily for one week, it has significantly reduced my abdominal pain and increased GI mobility.
CONCLUSION Essential oils and aromatherapy is effective for the treatment of IBS. Essential oils show a beneficial reduction in the severity of IBS symptoms with minimal side effects compared to traditional medications. Essential oils show a reduction in abdominal: pain, gas, and bloating. Essential oils effectively treat GI mobility. Due to the unique nature of IBS, individuals need to go through a trail and error process to find what oils work best for their symptoms Essential oils are synergist so when multiple oils are combined they can have a greater effect on symptoms, such as GI mobility with the Bio Source blend. Essential oils are effective at directly targeting GI symptoms of IBS and reducing stress which indirectly reduces the intensity of IBS symptoms.
CREDIBLE SOURCES TO REFERENCE 1. provides information and a research database supported by the US government 2. provides information and the latest guidelines regarding aromatherapy provided by the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy provides information and high quality/effective essential oil products provided by Naturopathic Doctor Lezlie Cebulski. This is the website I use and trust to purchase essential oils provides information and essential oil products provided by aroma therapist Dean Coleman.
WORK CITED I. Fontaine, K. Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice, 4 th Ed Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, II. Coleman, Dean. Essential Oils Notes & Characteristics. Updated Accessed April 20, 2015 III. Aromatherapy. National Center for Complementary & Integrative Health. US Department of Health & Human Services. Updated Jan 27,2015. Accessed April 20, IV. Cook,A. Alternative Medicine Sourcebook. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics,Inc, V. Stevens, Janene. A Holistic Healing Center. Updated Accessed April 20,2015. VI. Bio Source Naturals. Aromatherapy for Mind, Body, & Spirit. Bio Source Naturals Online. Updated January Accessed April 20, VII. Exploring Aromatherapy. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy. Updated Accessed April 21, VIII. Teta, J Bessinger, J. Natural Solutions for Digestive Health. Toronto, Canada: Sterling Publishing Company, IX. Fortson, L. What to Do When the Doctor Says It’s IBS. Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds Press, X.PubMed. US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health. Updated April Accessed April 21, 2015.