Debby Ward Linda Kaniecki Married Like to Travel High School in DC Live in Harford Co. Live in Anne Arundel Co. Born in Baltimore, MD Born in Jersey Shore, PA Golden Retriever No Pets Double Bubble
DAY 2 The participant will: Continue to reflect on how the Standards for Mathematical Practice will be infused into daily instruction in the mathematics classroom. Investigate the content of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and related documents.
Feedback If a thought comes to mind that would help to inform future work, please share by writing the thought on a Post-it note and placing it on the appropriate Feedback poster.
Standards for Mathematical Practice Matching Activity Outcome The participant will make connections between the thought processes used in completing a typical mathematical task and the behaviors described in the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Task Look at the contents of your group’s envelope. Think about and discuss how you would solve each problem. Reflect on the proficiencies described in the Standards for Mathematical Practice and their connections to the approach used. Based on the approach you used, match the predominate Standard for Mathematical Practice to the problem. Note- This is not a one-to-one matching exercise… more Standards exist than problems. This exercise was designed to promote discussion about the Standards for Mathematical Practice! Standards for Mathematical Practice Matching Activity
Completion of problems, such as those used in this activity represent just one way of helping students develop the proficiencies described in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. While we asked you to select just one standard for each problem, in reality using these standards should be very fluid in that multiple Standards for Mathematical Practice may be addressed within any given lesson or activity.
Scavenger Hunt Outcome The participant will become better acquainted with the content of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.
Scavenger Hunt 1.One your own, search through the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics for the answers to each question. 2.Compare answers with the members of your group.
C HECK FOR U NDERSTANDING Think-Pair-Share What are some of the similarities and differences between the K-8 Content Standards and the High School Content Standards?
Principals Welcome to Session 2
Day 2 Outcomes for Session 2 The participant will: Deepen their familiarity with the Standards of Mathematical Practice and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Become familiar with the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum frameworks
Jeopardy Outcome The participant will deepen their familiarity with the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the Common Core State Standards.
1. How many Standards for Mathematical Practice are there? 2.What is the difference between the way the codes for the K-8 and the High School standards begin? C HECK FOR U NDERSTANDING
Maryland Common Core State Curriculum Framework Documents Exploration Outcome The participant will become familiar with the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum frameworks.
Divide into Expert Groups Using the Framework Document, respond to the Exploration Questions Compare answers and prepare summary statements in Expert Groups Move to Home Group Present summary from Expert Group to Home Group Jigsaw Strategy Maryland Common Core State Curriculum Framework Documents Exploration
What is the purpose of the Essential Skills and Knowledge Statements? What is the significance of the red, blue and green bold fonts in the Framework documents? CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING
Principals Welcome to Session 3
Day 2 Outcomes for Session 3 The participants will: Review the Standards for Mathematical Practice; the Common Core State Standards; and the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum Frameworks Analyze selected standards Generate instructional strategies which might be used to develop students understanding of the standard Make connections to the Standards for Mathematical Practice
Outcome The participant will review the: Standards for Mathematical Practice Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Maryland Common Core State Curriculum Frameworks Task At each poster record a fact, that you have learned in one of the earlier sessions, about the given topic. Do not duplicate statements. Topics 1. Standards for Mathematical Practice 2.Structure and the Vocabulary of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics 3. Maryland Common Core State Curriculum Framework
Pass the Standard Outcome: The participant will analyze selected standards, generate instructional strategies and make connections to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
23 2.NBT.3
24 2.NBT.3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Step 1 Locate this standard using the Common Core State Standards or a Framework. Write the language of the standard under the code.
25 2.NBT.3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Step 2 Record an idea of an experience that you might include in a lesson targeting this standard and if time allows record a Math Practice that might be applicable. Have the students use a place value mat to show a given number in expanded form by placing base ten cubes in the appropriate column. Standard for Mathematical Practice: Models with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically.
26 2.NBT.3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Step 3 Have the students use a place value mat to show a given number in expanded form by placing base ten cubes in the appropriate. Standard for Mathematical Practice: Models with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Pass the Standards around the table adding new ideas until all spaces are filled Given dry erase boards, students will records the numbers using words and pictures. Standard for Mathematical Practice: Models with mathematics. Look for and make use of structure. Use place value arrow cards to build and then record the numbers in expanded form. Standards for Mathematical Practice: Models with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Look for and make use of structure. Utilize virtual manipulatives to model numbers in expanded form. Standard for Mathematical Practice: Models with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically.
What are the challenges that teachers will face as they implement the new curriculum?
Session 4
Day 2 Outcomes for Session 4 The participant will: Offer suggestions for additions/improvements to the “Essential Skills and Knowledge” statements that support the standards used in the Pass the “Standard” activity. Make connections between an instructional task and the content and practice standards.
Maryland Common Core Framework Documents Feedback Outcome: The participant will offer suggestions for additions /improvements to the Essential Skills and Knowledge statements that support the standards.
Grade 33.NF.1 18 Suggested edits/additions Example
The “Essential Skills and Knowledge Statements” were created in an effort to help educators develop a common understanding of what the standard means. What, if any, additions or suggestions did your group come up with as you reviewed the existing statements?
Making Connections Outcome: The participant will make connections between an instructional task and the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the content standards.
Making Connections o Complete the assigned problem. o Share your approach and outcome with your group. o Search through the Common Core State Standards for standards that this problem would support. o Discuss how this problem might be used in a lesson. o Identify and discuss connections between thought processes used while solving this problem and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. o Pair up with someone who has a different problem. o Share summary of discussions about assigned problem.
Standards for Mathematical Practice are not isolated skills or activities; instead they are the appropriate observable actions that students display.
All Standards for Mathematical Practice will not be demonstrated with every math exercise given, but multiple standards should be evident in every mathematics lesson.
The mathematically proficient student should have such a well- grounded understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice that they become habits of mind to be applied as needed when dealing with any mathematics problem.
On Post-Its, please write any questions that you have about: Standards for Mathematical Practice Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Maryland Common Core Curriculum Frameworks Post your questions on the Exit Ticket poster as you leave for the day. Thanks!