What is the Purpose of a Religion? PPurposes of Religion: Help people understand their world Explain things people can’t explain otherwise Provide moral guidelines for living
Studying World Religions So why study world religions? To see historical significance of that religion in the world. To better understand the people in the world who accept that religion. How do you study a world religion? Examine the historical development. Identify the core teachings.
Origins of Buddhism Buddhism began in India through the teachings of a prince named Siddhartha Guatama. Siddhartha Guatama’s father sheltered him and never let him leave the palace to protect him from all the bad things in life. Siddhartha Guatama didn’t leave his palace until he was 30 years old. When he left, he saw four things that changed his life forever.
The Trip of a Lifetime OOn Siddhartha’s trip, he saw four things that changed his life: An OLD MAN which made him see people age and become weak. A SICK MAN which made him see there is pain and sickness in the world. A FUNERAL which made him see there is death in the world. A MONK which made him see it is possible still to be happy.
Life’s Mission SSiddhartha wanted to find out what causes suffering. Through meditation, he came to the conclusion that: Selfishness causes suffering. AAt this point of enlightenment, Siddhartha Guatama became the Buddha or “enlightened one”. BBecause the religion is based on the teachings of one man and does not believe in a god, Buddhism is atheistic.
Four Noble Truths The Buddha’s beliefs about suffering are called the Four Noble Truths: Suffering is a part of life. Suffering comes from desire. There is an end to suffering. To end suffering a person must obey the Noble Eight Fold Path.
The Noble Eight-Fold Path The Noble Eight Fold Path is the Buddha’s guidelines for ending suffering. Right Understanding Right Intention Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration
The Ultimate Goal Buddhists believe in a cycle of life, death and rebirth called reincarnation. A person’s thoughts and actions (karma) affect how that person is reincarnated. Buddhists seek to reach a state of lasting peace called nirvana by reaching enlightenment and breaking the cycle of reincarnation.
Spreading Buddhism Buddhist fables (Jataka) teach the ideas of Buddhism in place of a single sacred text. Buddhist fables teach a lesson about how to act or live life. Buddhist fables have a single character that represents and incarnation of the Buddha in the story (called the Bodisat). The story gives and example of the basic belief of Buddhism: selfishness causes suffering. Bodhisattvas are partially enlightened individuals on earth who help guide others to enlightenment and nirvana.