Introduction Hello class, today we will enlighten you with our wonderful religion. Buddhism!
Basic Belief About 2500 years ago, a prince named Siddhartha Gautama started to question his luxurious life style in his palace. So one day he left the palace and saw 4 sights: a sick man, an old man, a dead man and a monk. After seeing those sights it made him realize that even a prince like himself cannot escape illness, suffering and death.
Basic Beliefs Part 2 After seeing those sights it made him realize that even a prince like himself cannot escape illness, suffering and death. This realization happened after sitting under a Poplar-figtree in Bodha Gaya India for many days, in deep meditation. He gained enlightenment or Nirvana and was given the title of Buddha, which meant enlightened one
Historical Background
The Eightfold Path/ The Wheel of Life
Sacred Texts
Buddha’s Monks Meditating
Festival and Celebration
Key Leader
Sacred Places and Spaces
Demographics people practice the religion of Buddhism.