WARM-UP 1. Please take out notes packet. 2. Start Day 4 Warm-up 3. You have 5 minutes of work time. 4. After you are finished, write your homework down in your planners. 5. Please work quietly. THANK YOU!!
1. Understand how the basic parts of the Christian faith. SS6.1.,1 SS7.1.1 OBJECTIVES
GOD CComes from Jewish God IIs all knowing and all powerful LLoves us
TRINITY Father- ____________. Son- ___________, _____________ Holy Spirit- __________ EX: Water can be _______, _________, _______ all at the same time.
HOLY BOOKS __________: Old ________- stories of the _____, prophets and _____. New __________- Stories of _______ and the first _________.
SIN Anything that separates you from ______ Any sin means you ________ go to heaven
REDEMPTION Covering of _______ by a ____________. _________ died to take away _______ from everyone who believes in him. Now when someone dies, they have _____ sin because Jesus _______ it.
CROSS ______ Jesus died Jesus never ________ and died to take away our ___. Symbol of Jesus’ ______ for us.
NEXT CLASS WE WILL READ ABOUT THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Homework: Read one part of the Sermon on the Mount which is located in Matthew chapter 5-7. Write 5-10 sentences summarizing what you read. Bring your summary to class.
CLOSURE Read a passage from the Sermon on the Mount.