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Row 1, Col 1 Who found the lost city of Angkor? Henri Mouhot
1,2 What part of Hinduism did the Buddha reject completely? The caste system
1,3 What religion did the Khmer follow? Hinduism
1,4 What religion came from the same roots as Hinduism? Buddhism
2,1 What are the basic teachings of Buddhism? Four Noble Truths
2,2 What is the name of a great temple complex built by the Khmer? Ankor Wat
2,3 Who was the founder of Buddhism? Siddhartha Gautama
2,4 What is the first Noble Truth? Life is filled with pain and suffering
3,1 What religion pushed the Khmer out of power? Buddhism
3,2 What three things did Gautama see that he thought were signs? A sick man, a corpse, and a holy man
3,3 What is the second Noble Truth? Suffering comes from desires
3,4 What is the name of the huge Buddhist temple in Indonesia? Borobudur
4,1 How did Gautama attain enlightenment? Through meditation
4,2 What is the third Noble Truth? If you stop desiring things, you stop suffering
4,3 What kind of tree did Gautama sit under to receive enlightenment? Bodhi tree
4,4 What does Buddha mean? The Enlightened One
5,1 What is the fourth Noble Truth? You can escape desire and suffering by following the Eight Noble Truths
5,2 What is the goal of life for a Buddhist? Nirvana
5,3 What part of Hinduism did the Buddha not like? The Vedas
5,4 Who established a great empire in Cambodia in the sixth century B.C.? Khmer