TAKE ACTION Join Campaigns –Mill Busters: –Last Chance for Animals: –Stop Puppy Mills: –Puppy Mills Watch:
TAKE ACTION Turn in puppy mills near you –Take pictures or video and contact local authorities AND the local TV station and newspaper! –Organize boycotts and peaceful protests
TAKE ACTION AWA: Animal Welfare Act PAWS: Pet Animal Welfare Statute PAWS Q&A Governor of Iowa: Governor Chet Culver Office of the Governor of the State of Iowa State Capitol Des Moines, IA Support proper legislation and enforcement! Iowa Senators: Senator Chuck Grassley-(R) 135 Hart Senate Office Building WASHINGTON, DC Senator Tom Harkin-(D) 731 Hart Senate Office Building WASHINGTON, DC Contact your government!
Short on Time? Donate to Stop Puppy Mills: Buy Campaign Gear: Tell your friends: Add Support Banners to your web page: