Planning in PH Department Planning Cycle Workunits …
Planning Cycle – CERN Overall September n-1 European Strategy Session of Council general discussion of strategic directions December n-1 Restricted Council strategic directions to be implemented within MTP oral presentation of Management to Council May n Scientific Policy Committee discussion of Draft MTP n+1 – n+5 June n Finance Committee and Council approval of MTP n+1 – n+5 approval of Budget n+1 in n prices December n Finance Committee and Council approval of CVI Budget n+1 in n+1 prices for information
Planning Cycle – CERN Overall September 2008 European Strategy Session of Council general discussion of strategic directions December 2008 Restricted Council strategic directions to be implemented within MTP oral presentation of Management to Council May 2009 Scientific Policy Committee discussion of Draft MTP 2010 – 2014 June 2009 Finance Committee and Council approval of MTP 2010 – 2014 approval of Budget 2010 in 2009 prices December 2009 Finance Committee and Council approval of CVI Budget 2010 in 2010 prices for information
Planning Cycle – Derivatives for PH October/November n-1 Budget Discussions based on DB n, resp. MTP n – n+4 APT “Planned” in Resource Sub- Category for year n year n-1 prices APT “Draft 1” in Resource Sub- Category for year n+1 December n-1 / January n consolidation on departmental level APT “Planned” for year n year n-1 prices last budget adjustments by department APT “ Planned ” → “ Active ” year n in n prices February/March n discussions of following years APT “Draft 1” year n prices for years n+1, n+2 Resource Sub-Categories for years n+3 – n+5 only Resource Categories mid April n APT input ready in “Planned” year n prices for years n+1, n+2 Resource Sub-Categories for years n+3 – n+5 only Resource Categories
Planning Cycle – Derivatives for PH October/November 2008 Budget Discussions based on DB 2009, resp. MTP 2009 – 2013 APT “Planned” in Resource Sub- Category for year 2009 year 2008 prices APT “Draft 1” in Resource Sub- Category for year 2010 December 2008 / January 2009 consolidation on departmental level APT “Planned” for year 2009 year 2008 prices last budget adjustments by department APT “ Planned ” → “ Active ” year 2009 in 2009 prices February/March 2009 discussions of following years APT “Draft 1” year 2009 prices for years 2010, 2011 Resource Sub-Categories for years only Resource Categories mid April 2009 APT input ready in “Planned” year 2009 prices for years 2010, 2011 Resource Sub-Categories for years only Resource Categories
Workunit Status – Classification of Data APT WU StatusUsageWho? Active (AC) confirmed WU for the current yearDPO/DDPO move from Planned Planned (PL) checked by the departmentDPO/DDPO copy from Draft 1 after checks and discussions Draft 1 (D1) Planning SpaceWU Holders (GL, SL, PL, …) Draft (DR) Internal TargetsDPO/DDPO Draft 2 (D2) Old Bottom-Up Dataalready copied Completed (CO) Ex-ActiveDPO/DDPO move from Active
Workunits – Types in PH several types of workunits have been defined G Group resources on the group level, not assigned to others A Activity activities with or without physical deliverable P Project project in the CERN sense R Resources workunit to group central resources WP WorkPackage a formal workpackage exists for this activity EU-P EU-Project
Workunit Responsibles The responsible of a workunit should be closely linked to this activity and have also responsibility regarding expenditure. G, P, A:leader, in case of experiments RC WP:workpackage supervisor R:DPO EU-P:DDPO Distribution according to handout Ø 2 WU / holder (1: 40, 2: 16, 3/4: 10, 5+: 4) not cast in stone, please consider/check before next meeting
PH Standard WU – A Deja-Vu
Workunits in “Draft” – Internal Targets materials budget baseline planning will step-by-step be incorporated into MTP personnel budget (Allain Gonidec) repository of all personnel on the payroll from contractual data preview on LD-IC (slots) budget situation for future PSI/PFE maintained by DPO/DDPO
Timing of the Exercise July 30 th, 2008 next general meeting discussion of procedure,... end August 2008 individual discussions GL/TL and DDPO October/November first round of budget discussions
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