North Carolina CTS Committee Meeting #4 January 16, 2001
Today’s Agenda u Status updates u Demonstration of scoping tool u Information Management System u “” demo u Working Group reports/updates u Discussion Items u Agenda items for CTS Meeting #5
u Contract/Delivery Order Negotiations (John Dorman) u Basin Plans/Flood Data Delivery Order Development (Abdul Rahmani) u LIDAR DO and QA/QC (Gary Thompson) u Community needs/scoping (Ken Taylor) Status Updates
u Coordination with Federal Agencies (John Dorman) l January 8-11, 2001, trip to Washington, D.C. l FEMA and State Staff: u Participated in FGDC Coordination Group meeting u Met with USACE, HUD, DOT, USGS, and NASA about funding and mapping activities u Also briefed/updated NC Congressional and key Committee staff Status Updates
GIS-Enabled Scoping Tool
u Provides centralized database of initial research data u Provides immediate access to flood map data during community scoping meetings u Enables user to visualize data and recommendations for multiple communities and flooding sources u Assists in scoping out mapping activities on a basin-wide basis(continued)
GIS-Enabled Scoping Tool u Data collected from wide range of sources, including: l CIS/Status l Library research l MNUSS l State and Federal GIS data sets l Census Bureau l Community Input (Meetings and Questionnaires) l Q3 l FIA (continued)
GIS-Enabled Scoping Tool u Data stored on two levels: l Community basis l Flooding source basis u GIS display provides link to both types of data
Information Management System
Status of IT System u DO negotiations finalized/notice to proceed u Major tasks: l Requirements analysis l Preliminary system design l Work plan for implementation u ESRI is IT provider (part of WC Team) u Work began week of Jan. 8-12, 2001
Schedule for IT System u Public Web site providing: l Description of Statewide flood mapping program l News about the program l Status and progress reports l Public documents, such as project fact sheets, presentations, etc., for download l Important links to other Web sites u Will go “live” by 1/19/01 u Descriptions of Federal Agency partners included in your notebook u Please provide comments about Agency writeups to Jerry Sparks at by 1/23/01 u Provide comments on Web site to Bart Alligood at u Demo
Working Group Reports/Status Updates
u Future Conditions — Gavin Smith u Coastal — Abdul Rahmani u Post-Flood Hazard Verification — Gavin Smith
Discussion Items
Conflicts between State and Local Priorities Issue: u Flood data update needs for basin plans based on variety of methods: l Community surveys and input at initial scoping meetings l Historical flood data, such as post-Floyd gage records and inundation mapping l Flood insurance and repetitive loss claims data l Engineering assessments of effective FIS and FIRM analyses l Mapping deficiencies documented in FEMA’s archives l Community response to FEMA’s MNUSS survey u Some communities may not agree with all needs identified by State and FEMA
Conflicts between State and Local Priorities Proposed Policy/Process: u All needs ranked/scored using “Selecting Technical Methods and Assigning Scores” procedures u If ranked high enough, will be included in the Draft Basin Plan u Communities will have opportunity to provide input at Final Scoping Meeting u Technical justification will be required for removing from Basin Plan
“Approximate” Flood Elevations Issue: u Zone A areas on FIRMs do not show BFEs l Typically not based on computations u Zone A areas for NC’s program will be based on H&H analyses/models (albeit less detailed than full detailed study) u Computed 1% annual chance flood elevations useful for floodplain management u Can also be used to rate flood insurance policies
“Approximate” Flood Elevations Proposed Policy/Process: u How to best disseminate this elevation information? l FIRMs? l FIS Reports? l Online IT System? l Other mechanisms? u What do we call them?
Flood Insurance and Mortgage Determinations Issue: u NC flood maps will be official FIRMs u Will be used for flood insurance and mortgage determinations Proposed Policy/Process: u Should other interested parties (i.e., insurance agents, determination companies) be proactively engaged?
Issues for Discussion at CTS Committee Meeting #5 Scheduled for February 13, 2001
Action Items/Wrap Up