Economic Activity Court Procedures Criminal Court Community Concerns Congress
-What is exchanged when consumers give their money to businesses? Row Question
-goods Row Answer
-What is exchanged when businesses/gov’t pay individuals they employ? Row Question
-money Row Answer
-What is exchanged when people pay taxes to the government? Row Question
-money for services Row Answer
-In economic terms these are the people who purchase things? Row Question
-consumers Row Answer
-Economic Activity between individuals/consumers and business/ government is __________in its nature? Row Question
-circular Row Answer
-Name the two adversarial sides of the criminal court system? Row Question
-prosecution and defense Row Answer
-What type of vote is required for a jury to reach a verdict? Row Question
-unanimous Row Answer
Row Question -What is it called when a jury can not reach a decision?
-hung jury / mistrial Row Answer
Row Question -How is a juvenile trial different?
-private, no jury Row Answer
-What happens to a juvenile’s record at age 18? Row Question
-cleared Row Answer
-At this step you are eligible for release upon certain conditions? Row Question
-preliminary hearing Row Answer
-This is the monetary promise you pay in order to be released after an arrest? Row Question
-bail Row Answer
-During this step, a suspect will plead guilty or innocent of the charges? Row Question
-arraignment Row Answer
-Sometimes a suspect will agree to a say they are guilty for a lighter sentence. What is this called? Row Question
-plea bargaining Row Answer
-At the trial, which side presents first? Row Question
-prosecution Row Answer
-This person is the leader of the House of Representatives and has great power in setting the agenda for the House of Representatives. Row Question
-Speaker of the House Row Answer
-Who is the Constitutional leader of the Senate? Row Question
-Vice President Row Answer
-This person is the mostly symbolic position given to the longest serving Senator from the majority party. Row Question
-President Pro- tempore Row Answer
-This is a committee made up of members from both houses who try to coordinate the efforts of Congress? Row Question
-conference committee Row Answer
-This is a permanent committee of Congress who study, revise, and pass legislation? Row Question
-standing committee Row Answer
-This term refers to the official decision of the government on an issue. Row Question
-public policy Row Answer
-Local group of officials who make determinations about what types of buildings and the uses of buildings that are allowed in certain areas? Row Question
-Zoning boards/planning boards Row Answer
-Most important local tax source---based on a person’s belongings and is a very stable form of taxes? Row Question
-property taxes Row Answer
-Type of charge that someone who actually uses a service is charged----water fees for example? Row Question
-user fees Row Answer
-This is how most local government borrow money? Row Question
-bonds Row Answer