EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Luca PIROZZI Social Protection and Inclusion Policies PROGRESS Community Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Luca PIROZZI Social Protection and Inclusion Policies PROGRESS Community Programme for Employment & Social Solidarity QeC- Eran - Bruxelles, 30th September 2005

Set the context: the Lisbon strategy  the Social Agenda: a tool to achieve Lisbon objectives o legislation o the Open Method of Co-ordination o European social dialogue o European Social fund o other financial tools directly managed by the Commission

Overall objective of the programme  reinforce initiative role of the Commission  implement & follow-up EU objectives and their translations into national policies  transpose & follow-up EU legislation's application  promote co-ordination mechanisms between MSs and cooperation with civil society

Simplification  simplifying instruments both in legal and management terms  streamlining the budget structure  simplify the decision making process  better synergies  better allocation of human resources  benefit the end user ( "one stop shop" )

Sections foreseen under PROGRESS 1. Employment (art ) 2. Social protection and inclusion (art.137) 3. Working conditions (art.137) 4. Antidiscrimination & diversity (art.13) 5. Gender equality (art.2; art.13; art. 141)

Types of actions (a) Analytical activities (data/statistics; common indicators; studies; impact assessments; reports) (b) Mutual learning, Awareness and Dissemination (best practices & peer review; conferences & seminars; media campaigns and events; publications) (c) Support to main actors (support to key EU networks; working groups; training seminars; experts' networks; EU level observatories; exchange of personnel; cooperation with international institutions)

Financing 1. financial envelop : EUR 628,8 millions breakdown between the different sections (lower limits):  Section 1 Employment 21 %  Section 2 Social protection and inclusion 28 %  Section 3 Working conditions 8 %  Section 4 Antidiscrimination and diversity 23 %  Section 5 Gender equality 8 % 3.max. 2 % for implementation 4.annual appropriations within limits financial perspectives 5.technical/administrative assistance

Method of application for support  a service contract (following call for tenders)  Eurostat procedures (for cooperation with national Statistical Offices)  a partial subsidy (following call for proposals – not exceeding 80 % of the total expenditure)  type of actions under Article 9 (1) b may be subsidised in respond to requests, e.g. from MS

Committee  Commission shall be assisted by a Committee, with mixed competence: consultative & management  Cooperation with other committees 1. SPC & EM.CO 2. regular and structured cooperation with other Committees

Consistency and complementarity Commission & Member States  synergies & mechanisms to coordinate Member States  national, regional and local levels Commission  inform on other contributions to the Lisbon strategy goals

Access to the Programme  Member States  Public employment services  Local and regional authorities  Specialised bodies under EU legislation  Social partner  NGOs organised at EU level  Universities and research institutes  Experts in evaluation  National statistical offices  Media

Participation of third countries  the EFTA/EEA  the candidate countries  the western Balkan countries  included in the stabilisation and association process

SEP & Progress: what does it change?  Extension to social protection  Larger participation  Explicit reference to some actions (evaluations & impact analysis, conferences & seminars to support the elaboration of policies; training; exchange of personnel; observatories)  Reinforcement awareness-raising & dissemination of information (media campaigns)

Negotiations: the state of affairs (1) oCoR:opinion 23rd February oCESE: opinion 15th March

Negotiations: the state of affairs (2) oCouncil : several discussions within working group ocommon orientation on 3rd March except on art. 17 (budget), to be adopted only once the overall Financial Perspectives will be approved

Negotiations: the state of affairs (3) oEuropean Parliament: discussion in 4 Committees (EMPL + GEN + LIB + BUD) oAdoption of Opinion by Plenary last 6th September: 72 amendments

Some outstanding issues oRole of regional & national NGOs oPromoting Transnational Exchanges oCommunity Co-funding rate oMerge of existing Committees into a single one oIncrease of the global budgetary envelop

Next steps oCommission expressed its position on 6th September during E.P. Plenary session oCommission will present an amended proposal, taking account of some of E.P. amendments & discussion in Council oCouncil should adopt then a Common Position