STEM Partnership Progress Report Wednesday Nov. 5, 2014 Port Gardner Rotary Science, Technology, Engineering and MathSTEM in Everett Public Schools 1
To succeed in college, work and life, students must integrate and apply technical and core academic knowledge. In addition to mastering core academic subjects, students must learn to Think critically Communicate effectively Problem solve Collaborate 2 STEM in Everett Public Schools
3 STEM Center – objectives and outcomes Reach out to community to recruit industry and community partners committed to STEM and 21st century skill implementation Align K-12 and post-secondary pathways to STEM careers Develop and launch K-12 curricula aligned to community STEM needs Design and foster internship and externship opportunities STEM in Everett Public Schools
4 Thanks to those making this possible STEM Center funders The Boeing Company City of Everett Everett Public Schools Foundation Frontier Communications Providence Health and Services STEM in Everett Public Schools
5 Thanks to those making this possible STEM Center partners Washington Alliance for Better Schools (WABS) Institute for Systems Biology Washington Green Schools Workforce Snohomish Economic Alliance Snohomish County Aviation Technical Services (ATS) Everett Community College Washington FIRST Robotics College Success Foundation Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee (AJAC) ATSMRO Aero Center of Excellence for Aerospace Puget PR Everett Clinic TECT Aerospace Industrial Massage CenturyLink Carbon Aerospace ASCO Design USA STEM in Everett Public Schools
6 Engineering is Elementary launched in all first- through fifth-grade classrooms All middle and high school teachers trained for in Next Generation Science Standards Biotech launched at all three high schools Computer science at all three high schools Robotics at all three high schools Science STEM in Everett Public Schools
Central Sound Science and Engineering Fair Washington State Science and Engineering Fair National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium in Washington, D.C. International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering, Environment) – I-SWEEP Science Olympiad Genius Olympiad: June 16-20, 2014 Indria Rayala “Seeing students from all over our world solving local problems is inspiring and gives me a hope for our future.”
Robotics classes at each high school. Robotics clubs at each middle school and at seven elementary schools 8 STEM in Everett Public Schools View video Technology and math
Monday, Oct. 20 Everett Clinic partnership 17 teachers toured Everett Clinic, met with medical staff and planned ways that medical science can be incorporated into classrooms 9 STEM in Everett Public Schools
From the Snohomish County PUD Staff Newsletter
11 Employer/Educator Partnerships How might you and your business partner with the district to create opportunities for experiences that will help students succeed in learning, work, and life? Ensuring Student Success How can we collaborate in ways that foster opportunities for all students to graduate STEM literate? STEM in Everett Public Schools