School Impact of Formula Changes Purpose/Function by Funding Source Salary Schedules: › State Salary Schedules › Local Salary Schedules › Local Supplements › Salary Administration Issues
Grade Level Current NHCS Base Formula Formula Inc (Dec) Proposed NHCS Base Formula Revised State Formulas K
Elementary Schools: › Most will lose 1 teacher, but a few would lose 2 › Most would lose 1 teacher assistant Middle Schools: › Most would lose 2 teachers High Schools: › Would lose between 5 and 7 regular teachers › All would gain 4 CTE (may be phased in over next two years) › Loses could be absorbed through attrition
Web Site Link: Certified Classified Supplements
30 step salary schedules for teachers: › The first six steps (0-5) are the same because there have been no step increases in 5 years Separate pay scales for bachelor's, masters, advanced degree, doctoral degrees, and National Boards › After 6/30, only additional staff whose license requires the higher degrees will qualify, but those already on scale will continue
Separate published schedules for instructional support are the same as for teachers. Separate schedules for Psychologists are higher Schedules are also available with daily rates. Link:
School Administrator Pay Table has 45 steps, and is divided into 9 different schedules APs are paid on the first Schedule: › Steps 1-28 › Step 1 represents 0-9 YOE, so an AP with only 5 years of teaching experience would not have earned a step increase for 5 years
Principles are assigned to one of 8 principal Levels (Schedules I - VIII) based on the number of state teachers they supervise: › Principals of larger schools are assigned to a higher step for the same years of experience than if they were at a smaller school › We use local funds to pay the differential so Principals are also compensated for the local and federally funded teachers they supervise
The scales are also adjusted for advanced and doctoral degrees, but as with teachers this will end 6/30 for anyone not already paid on the scale. Principals used to receive a 3 for 1 experience bump for each year of principal experience, but that has been on hold for several years
ABC and Safe School Bonuses: During the schools years , and , school administrators were able to earn up bonuses from 1% to 6% While the program was discontinued, the bonuses remain part of their pay We currently have 19 school administrators paid on these higher scales.
The state provides ranges for 7 locally defined ranged for central office admin Administrators Locally we divided this into a 30 step scale Since salaries are negotiated within these ranges the steps do not necessarily correlate with years of experience The state has separate ranges for Superintendents based in LEA size. Any negotiated salary above these ranges is locally paid.
The state establishes pay ranges for non- certified public school personnel Local schedules may also be established, but state funded teachers assistants, office support, and custodians must be paid within these ranges Our local schedules are referred to as Classified Pay Schedules
Classified Pay Schedules: › Local schedules were developed in the mid- 90’s based on state ranges and an outside pay study › Human Resources assigns positions to the local pay schedules › The local schedules are slightly higher than the state ranges Link to local position list: sifiedPositionGrades.pdf
Salary Supplements: › % of State Certified Salaries: Teachers – 8% Principals & Assistant Principals – 10% Locally paid NBPTS - 12% › Flat Rate Supplements: Non-Certified Supervisory (foremen)- $1,650 Instructional Resource Specialists - $2,000 Orientation & Mobility Specialist - $2,000
Extra Duty Arts Athletics Game Workers Incentive Pay
Cost of Living Increases › Entire schedule is increased across the board › This has occurred once in the last 5 years with the 1.012% state raise in Step Increases › Employees move up the scale based on experience › Last Step Increase was in
Local Step Increases: › Generally step increases for the classified scale were locally funded because many times the legislature would only fund the step increase for licensed staff › If the state increase was large enough, we used a portion for State Cost of Living increases on the classified scale and then used the rest to raise the scale.
Classified Position Grades were established in 1998 based on an extensive pay classification and benchmarking survey and the State Classified Salary Schedule. Classification comparisons have been made every two to three years since or when requested based on private industry standards, other NC public institutions, and more recent benchmarking surveys. Classified Position Grades ades.pdf ades.pdf
Classification Pay Plan Reclassification, New Position Request, or Change in Compensation The process for the creation of new positions and position reclassification is based on School Board Policies 6150 and 6110.
County Benchmarking Study › NHCS is participating State currently evaluating pay plans › Anticipate significant pay schedule changes in next biennial budget Budget Cycle: › Request County funding to Increase Teacher Supplements
Topics for January 22: › School Priorities Reports January: › Cost Summary of Special School Programs › Class Size Data Analysis