A Global Approach to Ceramics
A vessel is a hollow container, such as a cup, bowl, or vase, for holding something. The vessel’s parts include its foot or base, its walls and opening, its rim or lip, and sometimes: shoulders, neck, lid, handle, etc.
Double Effigy Vessel H. 64 inches Late 19 th Century Mangbetu, Zaire
Pig Vessel H. 22 cm, L. 25cm Neolithic China Dawenkou Culture (4300 – 2500 BC)
Pig Vessel (front view)
Vessel Decorated with Animals and a Landscape H. 9.6 cm Mid-3 rd Millennium BC
Yoke-Form Vessel H. 11 in. 5 th Century Guatemala, Maya
Yoke-Form Vessel detail
Small Vessel with Banded Neck Decoration 3 1/8 x 2 3/8 inches c BCE Levant, Jericho
Trefoil Juglet 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 inches late sixth-fifth centuries BCE Eastern Mediterranean
The Atalanta Lekythos (Funerary Oil Jug) H cm BCE Greece, Athens
Bowl 2 3/4 x 7 3/4 inches 10th century Iran, Nishapur or Turkestan
Vessel in the Form of a Jaguar 12 1/16 x 8 7/8 inches Period VI, ACE 1000 – 1550 Central America, Costa Rica, Guanacaste-Nicoya, Pataky
Storage Jar 15 1/2 x 18 3/4 inches 13th-14th century Japan, Kamakura period
Ewer H. 10 inches c Italy, Venice, Murano
Mango-shaped Flask H. 2 1/2 inches mid-17th century India, Mughal dynasty
Colonial Garlands Jewelry Box H. 3.0 inches, D. 6.3 inches 2003 (Peruvian, contemporary) Jose Antonio Rios and his family
Ceramic vessel with person holding plants (AD ) Nazca, Ica Region, Peru
Contemporary vessels…