Roles of living things in the environment Living things exist with other living things and with non living things Living things relate with one another Food is one way of relating with other living things The role can be that of producers, consumers, decomposers or scavengers Day 3
producers Organisms that make their own food. Most plants are producers Some bacteria can make their own food Producers make use of sunlight, CO 2 and water to make food Day 3
consumers Organisms that can’t make their own food Eat plants or other animals for food Consumers can be: o Herbivores (plant eaters) o Carnivores (meat eaters) o Omnivores (plant and meat eaters) Day 3
decomposers Can be fungi or bacteria Eats dead organisms They prevent too much decay and enriched the soil with nutrients Day 3
scavengers Break up bodies of dead organisms into smaller pieces Helps decomposers manage the dead organisms for faster decomposition Day 3
Feeding relationships How each living organism is linked to one another in particular habitats. Shown in diagrams such as a food chain or a food web Day 3
Food Chain Shows the one way flow of energy from the food to the consumer Starts with a producer Day 3
Organisms in the food chain may also be referred to as:
Food Web Made up of many food chains Shows alternative food sources Day 3
Identify the food chains that make up this food web Do Activity 8.2 on pages Day 4
What does “Survival of the Fittest” mean? Why do you say so? Day 6 SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST
Energy in the ecosystem Sun is the main source of energy The light is trapped by the chlorophyll in plants This light is used in the food making process of plants. When plants are eaten, SOME of the energy is passed on to the consumer When a consumer eats the herbivore, the energy is transferred to the other consumer. Day 6
Interdependence among living things Living things depend on one another for survival An organism may have multiple relationships, depending on the organism it interacts with These relationships mean that the organisms have an impact on each other’s survival. Day 6
Competition Occurs when resources are limited –Food –Water –Space –Mate Fight occurs in order to gain resources needed Day 6
Predation An animal catches and feeds on the captured organism Predator-hunter Prey-hunted Day 6
Symbiotic Relationship: MUTUALISM Symbiosis-a close relationship between organisms that last over a period of time Mutualism –Both organisms benefit from the relationship –Benefit include food, shelter, protection Day 6
Symbiotic Relationship: PARASITISM One specie benefits but the other specie gets harmed from the relationship Benefit can be food, shelter or protection Parasite-benefits –May reside inside (endoparasite) or outside (ectoparasite) Host-gets harmed The parasite has to ensure that the host does not die. –What happens if the host dies? Day 6
Symbiotic Relationship: COMMENSALISM A relationship wherein one benefits while the other one neither benefits, not gets harmed or dies. Commensal- the organism that benefits Host- the organism that neither benefits nor gets harmed Day 6
Is there a relationship which you think is the best? Why do you say so? Assign: bring coloring materials for tomorrow’s activity Day 6
Picture sources