Round 1 1 Tim 1:1 Paul, __________ of Jesus Christ? #1 A. An apostle B. A follower C. A believer
Round 1 1 Tim 1:6 Those who strayed, turned to #2 A. The evil one B. Worshipping idols C. Idle talk
Round 1 1 Tim 1:9 The law was NOT made for #3 A. The Gentiles B. The ungodly and sinners C. A righteous person
Round 1 1 Tim 1:13 What was Paul before he obtained mercy? #4 A. A son of perdition B. A blasphemer, persecutor, an insolent man C. A man of sin
Round 1 1 Tim 1:19-20 What did Hymenaeus and Alexander suffer? #5 A. Cancer B. Leprosy C. Shipwreck
Round 1 1 Tim 2:2 What type life did Paul pray for? #6 A. A life in service to others B. A long life C. Quiet and peaceable life
Round 1 1 Tim 2:7 Paul was appointed #7 A. An elder B. A bishop C. A preacher and an apostle
Round 1 1 Tim 2:9 Women were NOT to adorn themselves with ______ #8 A. Clothing made in sweat shops B. Clothing made by child labor. C. ….costly clothing.
Round 1 1 Tim 2:14 Who was not deceived? #9 A. Adam B. Timothy C. Titus
Round 1 1 Tim 3:1 What is a good work to desire? #10 A. Teacher B. Evangelist C. Position of bishop
Round 1 1 Tim 3:6 Who might fall into the same condemnation as the devil? #11 A. An unbeliever B. A widow under the age of 60 C. A novice
Round 1 1 Tim 3:15 The house of God is also #12 A. The pillar and ground of the truth B. The foundation of faith C. Part of the mystery of godliness
Round 1 1 Tim 3:16 God was manifested in the flesh and #13 A. Honored by angels B. Believed on in the world C. Taught in both the marketplace and synagogues
Round 1 1 Tim 4:1 Who says that in latter times some will depart from the faith? #14 A. Paul B. The Spirit C. Moses
Round 1 1 Tim 4:2 What happens with some consciences? #15 A. They are seared with a hot iron B. They keep people awake at night C. They help people make good decisions
Round 1 1 Tim 4:4 What is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving? #16 A. Something to make your brother stumble B. Meat offered to idols C. Nothing
Round 1 1 Tim 4:6 What makes a good minister of Jesus Christ? #17 A. Using Power Point B. Preaching between minutes C. Instructing the brethren
Round 1 1 Tim 4:12 To whom was Timothy to be an example? #18 A. The believers B. His fellow youth C. Titus
Round 1 1 Tim 5:6 Who is dead while she lives? #19 A. An unbeliever B. A widow under 60 C. She who lives in pleasure
Round 1 1 Tim 5:12 Younger widows become not only idle but also #20 A. Unbelievers B. Gossips and busybodies C. Unfaithful
Round 1 1 Tim 5:18 When is an ox not to be muzzled? #21 A. While pulling a cart B. At night C. While it treads out the grain
Round 1 1 Tim 6:2 Who is NOT to be despised? #22 A. A brother who stumbles B. Timothy as a youth C. Believing masters
Round 1 1 Tim 6:5 Those who suppose that godliness is a means of gain are #23 A. Sons of Satan B. Men of corrupt minds C. Unbelievers
Round 1 1 Tim 6:6 What is defined as great gain? #24 A. Godliness with contentment B. A sinner who is saved C. One who works with their hands
Round 1 1 Tim 6:10 What is a root of all kinds of evil? #25 A. The love of money B. Envy C. Jealousy