Greek Mythology and Religion Gods and Goddesses Page 161 story
Essential Learning Religion - students will understand the importance and influence of religion on each civilization (i.e. monotheism, polytheism, mythology, Christianity). Religion - students will understand the importance and influence of religion on each civilization (i.e. monotheism, polytheism, mythology, Christianity).
Religious Beliefs and Practices Ancient Greeks practiced their religion individually often going to a temple, saying a prayer and leaving a gift. (no church service) Ancient Greeks practiced their religion individually often going to a temple, saying a prayer and leaving a gift. (no church service) Sacrifices were made to please the gods. Sacrifices were made to please the gods.
Greek Temples
They believed in oracles - a place gods spoke to people: the oracle of Apollo at Delphi. They believed in oracles - a place gods spoke to people: the oracle of Apollo at Delphi. They believed in omens (signs) curses and superstition (Illness, drought, plague or losing a battle were due to the gods not being happy.) They believed in omens (signs) curses and superstition (Illness, drought, plague or losing a battle were due to the gods not being happy.) Festivals were held to Honour the Gods. Festivals were held to Honour the Gods. Their religion was seen in their art, literature, buildings, paintings and statues. Their religion was seen in their art, literature, buildings, paintings and statues.
Death and the Afterlife Greeks believed that Hermes would lead the deceased to the River Styx (Purgatory). There was no heaven. Greeks believed that Hermes would lead the deceased to the River Styx (Purgatory). There was no heaven. A three headed dog would prevent people from leaving the underworld. A three headed dog would prevent people from leaving the underworld.
The dead had two coins placed over their eyes or in the mouth to pay the boatman. The dead had two coins placed over their eyes or in the mouth to pay the boatman. Women looked after the burial rites of family members. Women looked after the burial rites of family members. Body anointed with oil Body anointed with oil Body wrapped in a shroud Body wrapped in a shroud Coins placed over eyes Coins placed over eyes Wreath placed on head. Wreath placed on head.
The 12 main gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece.
The Gods The main gods were a group of 12 called the Olympians. The main gods were a group of 12 called the Olympians. Greek and Roman gods and goddesses were anthropomorphic (took shape of humans) Greek and Roman gods and goddesses were anthropomorphic (took shape of humans) All the Olympians are related to each other in some way. All the Olympians are related to each other in some way. They lived at Mount Olympus. They lived at Mount Olympus. Who were the TITANS? Who were the TITANS? 12 Giants most popular was Atlas (held the world on his shoulders.) Children of Gaea and Uranus. 12 Giants most popular was Atlas (held the world on his shoulders.) Children of Gaea and Uranus.
Zeus Zeus is the King of the Gods. If he would have to bring order he would hurl a thunderbolt. Zeus is also the sky god. He controls the rain and weather.
Hera Hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth and the home. Hera is not only Zeus’ wife but also his sister.
Poseidon Poseidon is the God of the Sea and of the Earthquake. Poseidon is Zeus’ brother. He is second to Zeus only in power among the gods.
Artemis Artemis is the goddess of the Hunt and of the Moon. Daughter of Zeus She is a virgin goddess, the goddess of chastity.
Athena Goddess of Wisdom and Agriculture. She is the daughter of Zeus.
Aphrodite Goddess of Love and Beauty
Ares Ares is the god of war.
Hermes Son of Zeus. Zeus’ messenger. He is the guide for the dead to go to the underworld.
Hades Hades is the god of the underworld and rules over the dead. A greedy god who is always trying to increase his subjects.
Apollo Apollo is the god of the Sun, Truth, and Music. His most important job is to drive the sun across the sky with his chariot. He is famous for his oracle at Delphi. Because he was the god of truth, he could not tell a lie.
Hephaestus Hephaestus is the god of Fire and the Forge. Hephaestus is the god of Fire and the Forge. He is the son of Zeus He is the son of Zeus Only god to be physically ugly and lame. Only god to be physically ugly and lame.
Pictures of the Gods and Goddesses Zeus
Hestia Hades
Poseidon Athena
Lesser Gods (Don’t copy) Demeter – Goddess of the Earth and of the Harvest. Demeter – Goddess of the Earth and of the Harvest. Persephone – Hades’ wife and Queen of the Underworld. Persephone – Hades’ wife and Queen of the Underworld. Dionysus – God of the Arts and the Vine. Dionysus – God of the Arts and the Vine. Eros – Son of Aphrodite, God of Love. Called Cupid by the Romans. Eros – Son of Aphrodite, God of Love. Called Cupid by the Romans. Hebe – Goddess of Youth Hebe – Goddess of Youth Thanatos – God of Death Thanatos – God of Death Morpheus – God of Dreams Morpheus – God of Dreams Nemisis – God of Vengence Nemisis – God of Vengence Pan – God of Shepards Pan – God of Shepards
Medusa Could turn men to stone when they looked at her. Could turn men to stone when they looked at her.
Disbelievers Some Greeks were not happy with the Olympian gods because they thought they were not personal. Some Greeks were not happy with the Olympian gods because they thought they were not personal. Therefore a new religion began – A mystery religion. Therefore a new religion began – A mystery religion. Dionysus was the main God in this religion. Dionysus was the main God in this religion.
Christianity Brought to Greece In 51 AD Saint Paul came to Greece and brought the idea of Christianity (About 20 years after Christ’s death.) In 51 AD Saint Paul came to Greece and brought the idea of Christianity (About 20 years after Christ’s death.) In 529 AD a Roman Emperor – Justinian –came to Greece and forced Christianity on people. In 529 AD a Roman Emperor – Justinian –came to Greece and forced Christianity on people. One major difference was Christianity is monotheistic. (worshipped 1 God). One major difference was Christianity is monotheistic. (worshipped 1 God).
Compare and Contrast Think about the mainstream religions of today. (Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, Islam) How was Greek mythology different from these types of religion? Were there similarities?
Refrences h/olympian.html#Apollo h/olympian.html#Apollo h/olympian.html#Apollo h/olympian.html#Apollo Pictures from Elfwood Productions and Google Search. Pictures from Elfwood Productions and Google Search. Compton’s Encyclopedia 2000 Compton’s Encyclopedia 2000 Prelude to the Present Textbook Prelude to the Present Textbook