Deacons Under appreciated by many. A blessing to the church. –Function. –Fabric.
Deacons Office. Purpose. Qualifications.
Deacons Qualifications. Wives. Selection & Appointment.
Deacons Desire. –“To stretch one’s self out in order to…grasp something…” (Thayer). –“To reach…longing after it” (Vine). –Not coerced. Qualifications
Deacons Reverent. –“August, venerable…” (Thayer). –“…serious, grave” (Vine). –Dependable, trustworthy. Qualifications
Deacons Not double-tongued. –“double in speech…” (Thayer). –“Saying a thing to one person and giving a different view of it to another” (Vine). –Consistent, accurate. Qualifications
Deacons Not given to much wine. –Control Senses. Desires. Qualifications
Deacons Not greedy for money. –“eager for base gain” (Thayer). –“…denotes greedy of base gains” (Vine). –Not covetous, materialistic, cf. Jn. 12:6 Qualifications
Deacons Holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. –Knows the truth. –Follows the truth. –Stands for the truth, cf. Rom. 14:23; 1 Tim. 4:2; 1 Pet. 3:15-16 Qualifications
Deacons First tested, then appointed. –“…examine…scrutinize” (Thayer). –“…prove with the expectation of approving” (Vine). –Reputation precedes responsibility. Qualifications
Deacons Husbands of one wife. –Scripturally married, cf. Rom. 7:1-3; Matt. 19:9 –Experience with care and service. Qualifications
Deacons Ruling their children & houses well. –Good father, Prov. 22:6; 19:18 –Experience in “demanding” service. Qualifications
Deacons Full of the Holy Spirit & wisdom Acts 6:3 –Full of gospel, Eph. 5:18; Col. 3:16 –Applies knowledge practically. Qualifications
Deacons Reverent. –“August, venerable…” (Thayer). –“…serious, grave” (Vine). –Serious minded, not silly, 1 Pet. 3:1-4 Wives
Deacons Not slanderers. –“prone to slander…” (Thayer). –“Accusing falsely” (Vine). –Control tongue. Wives
Deacons Temperate. –“sober, temperate…” (Thayer). –“…free from the influence of intoxicants” (Vine). –Clear-headed, right thinking, exercising self-control. Wives
Deacons Faithful in all things. –God, Heb. 10:24-25; 1 Thes. 5:17 –Husband, Titus 2:4-5 –Children, Titus 2:4-5 Wives
Deacons By members of the church, Acts 6:3 –Work with them. –Know them. –Respect them. Selection & Appointment
Deacons Judgment must be used. –Number. –When. –How. Selection & Appointment
Deacons Appointed by those who oversee, Acts 6:6 –With prayer. –“Lay on hands,” cf. Acts 13:2-3; 1 Tim. 5:22 Selection & Appointment
Deacons Qualifications. Wives. Selection & Appointment.