How do we know WHO is beautiful?
Was man created in God’s image or the other way around?
Otherworldly Figures Gods and Goddesses
Venus of Willendorf, 30,000 – 25,000 BCE
Ishtar – Syrian Goddess of Love
Ancient Greek, Venus de Milo,
Ancient Greek, Posedin
Ancient Greek - Eros
Tlazoltetol – Aztec Goddess of Love
Xochipilli – Aztec God of Love
What can we infer about what was important to the people who made these two sculptures?
Titian, Venus de Urbino,
William Bouguereau, A Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros, 1880
Jean Ingres, Jupiter and Thetis, 1811
Freya – Norse Goddess
Radha and Krishna
Indian Goddess
M. F. Hussain, Bharatmata
How can portrayal of the human form express human emotion?
The East
Japanese painting
Shin Hanga - Japanese print – Artist Unknown, early 20 th century
Goyo Hatschiguchi, Woman after Bath, 1920
Artist Unknown, Japanese Print, 1921
Ming Dynasty – Four Beauties
Yue Minjun
Yue Minjun, Sun, 2000
India – Couple from Temple at Karle
M. F. Hussain, Bharatmata, 2006
Dhruva Mistry, Walking Man, 1981
Dhruva Mistry, Reclining Figure, 1983
Navjot Altaf, Untitled Blue Woman, 2000
Pre-Columbian American
Pre-Columbian figure from Veracruz, Mexico,
Pre-Columbian Sculpture from South America
The West
King Mycerinus, Ancient Egypt, 2520 BCE
Greek Kourous
Roman copy of a Greek Discus Thrower
The Doom, St. Peter’s Church, Suffolk
Lochner, scenes from Hell, 1435
Verrechio, David, 1447Donatello, David, 1440Michelangelo, David, 1504
Bottecelli, The Birth of Venus, 1482
Titian, Venus de Urbino, 1538
Peter Paul Rubens, Venus at the Mirror, 1615
Peter Paul Rubens, The Three Graces, 1638
William Blake, Europe Supported By Africa and America, 1796
Jean Ingres, Jupiter and Thetis, 1811
Eugene Delacroix, Louis D’Orleans Showing his Mistress, 1826
Eugene Delacroix, The Death of Sardanapalus,1828
Adolfe Bougereau, Birth of Venus, 1879
Gustave Courbet, The Painter’s Studio, 1855
Edward Manet, Luncheon on the Grass, 1863
Eduard Manet, Olympia, 1863
Auguste Rodin, The Age of Bronze, 1877
Auguste Rodin, The Kiss,
Auguste Renior, Bather
Auguste Renior, Seated Bather, 1885
Paul Cezanne, Bathers, 1881
Paul Cezanne, Grandes Baigneuses, 1905
Henri Matisse, Blue Nude, 1907
Henri Matisse, Blue Nude, 1952
Pablo Picaaso, Two Youths, 1906
Pablo Picasso, Les Madmoiselles d’Avignon 1908
Pablo Picasso, Nude, 1909
Marcel Duchamp,Nude Descending a Staircase,
Rene Magritte,
Willem DeKooning, Seated Woman, 1950
Willem DeKooning, Woman I, 1950
Yves Klein, Blue Venus,
Nikki de St. Phalle, Black Venus,
Lucien Freud, Benefits Supervisor Sleeping
Lucien Freud,Naked Girl Asleep,
Alice Neel, Pregnant Woman, 1971
Alice Neel, Jophn Perricault, 1972
Alice Neel, Self Portrait, 1980
Roy Lichtenstein, Nude with Abstract Painting, 1994
Mel Ramos, Velveeta, 1965
Mel Ramos, Olympia, 1972
Jenny Saville,, Strategy (South Face, Front Face, North Face), 1996
Jenny Saville,
Cindy Sherman
Eric Fischl, The Old Man’s Boat and the Old Man’s Dog, 1981
Eric Fischl, Master Bedroom, 1983
Figure drawing is arguably the most difficult subject an artist commonly encounters, and entire classes are dedicated to the subject. - wikipedia
The Guerilla Girls, 1989
Adolfe Bougereau, Birth of Venus, 1879 Excerpt from “The Birth of Venus II,” by Seamus Ryan Are these two images art or pornography?
How do these images comment on the portrayal of women in art?