Use the date, month, and last two digits of the year you were born (for example, 21 08 90) in an interesting word problem that will make the person who solves it think.
Check your problem to make sure it is clearly written and can be solved. Then give your problem to a partner who has his/her problem ready for you to solve. Work to solve the problem. Be sure to record in writing and pictures how you solved it.
Roll a die four times to get a 4-digit number Roll a die four times to get a 4-digit number. This will become the first addend in an addition sentence. Next, roll the die three times to get a 3-digit addend. Next, show at least three ways (strategies) to get the sum of the two numbers.
You're in the money! Use the digits below to build the largest 4-digit odd number. Each digit can only be used as many times as it appears. What would you buy if you had this much money! 6 9 8 5 6 8 1
Things are changing! Use the digits below to build the smallest 4-digit even number. Each digit can only be used as many times as it shows up in the list. 2 9 5 1 6 7
Spending your money! Find the difference between the largest number you built and the smallest number you built. Show how you found your answer.
Find the Mystery Number Clues: I am a 2-digit number. I am also a factor of 70. I am an even number less than 20 but greater than 10.
Find the Mystery Number Clues: I am a 2-digit number. The sum of my two digits is 15. The product of my digits is 56. I am an even number.