Let’s remember! Exploring New Lands. Who were the first European Explorers?
Bartholomeu Dias He was the 1 st Portuguese to find an all water route to Asia. He was the 1 st Portuguese to find an all water route to Asia. He reached the Cape of Good Hope, the Southern tip of Africa! This helped others to see it was possible to reach India by going around Africa! He reached the Cape of Good Hope, the Southern tip of Africa! This helped others to see it was possible to reach India by going around Africa!
Vasco Da Gama - He also opened a new route for trade between Europe and Asia. - He went around Africa and reached India.
Ferdinand Magellan He sailed around the southern tip of South America. He sailed around the southern tip of South America. His crew made the first round trip around the world. His crew made the first round trip around the world. He named the Pacific Ocean because it was so peaceful. He named the Pacific Ocean because it was so peaceful.
Christopher Columbus He landed in the Bahama Islands on October 12, He landed in the Bahama Islands on October 12, He believed he was in India. He believed he was in India.
Amerigo Vespucci He crossed the Atlantic ocean after Columbus. He crossed the Atlantic ocean after Columbus. America was named after him. America was named after him.
Columbian Exchange Americas to Europe Europe to Americas Potatoes & Tomatoes Sugar, Tea, Coffee Maize, (Corn) Horses, pigs, sheep, goats, cattle, rats Tobacco Diseases (smallpox, measles, whooping cough, bubonic plague, malaria, yellow fever ) Chocolate Asian cockroaches, Japanese beetle Asian cockroaches, Japanese beetle
Spanish in the Americas
Why did the Spanish come to America? Economic reason : Gold, natural resources. Religion: Spread of Christianity. Political: Competitions for empire and belief in superiority of own culture.
Hernan Cortes He came to Mexico. He came to Mexico. The Aztecs thought he might be a god. The Aztecs thought he might be a god. He conquered the Aztecs in He conquered the Aztecs in The Emperor, Moctesuma was killed in the fighting. The Emperor, Moctesuma was killed in the fighting.
Francisco Pizzarro He explored Peru. He explored Peru. He conquered the Incas and stole their gold and silver. He conquered the Incas and stole their gold and silver. He killed Atahualpa. He killed Atahualpa.
Europeans in North America Colonization and Settlement
Why did Europeans come to America? Major European countries were in competition to extend their power into North America and claim the land as their own.
Native American tribes lived throughout North America long before Europeans came to explore and settle Native American tribes lived throughout North America long before Europeans came to explore and settle These tribes had fully developed societies with political, economic, and cultural practices of their own These tribes had fully developed societies with political, economic, and cultural practices of their own Native Americans
John Cabot He was born in Italy. He was born in Italy. He moved to England and got the King to support his exploration. He moved to England and got the King to support his exploration. He is important because his exploration for England gave England the right to the USA. He is important because his exploration for England gave England the right to the USA.
Roanoke Island (Lost Colony) was established as an economic venture. Roanoke Island (Lost Colony) was established as an economic venture. Jamestown Roanoke IslandRoanoke
“The Mystery of Roanoke” Sir Walter Raleigh started an English colony on Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina in Sir Walter Raleigh started an English colony on Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina in To this day, no one knows what caused the disappearance of the Roanoke Island colonists. To this day, no one knows what caused the disappearance of the Roanoke Island colonists.
Virginia The English returned to America in 1607 and settled in Jamestown, Virginia. The English returned to America in 1607 and settled in Jamestown, Virginia. The colonist didn’t find gold but they learned to grow tobacco. The colonist didn’t find gold but they learned to grow tobacco. Tobacco was a valuable cash crop; because Europeans liked smoking. Tobacco was a valuable cash crop; because Europeans liked smoking.
Slavery in the New World English brought slaves from Africa to plant and harvest the tobacco crops. English brought slaves from Africa to plant and harvest the tobacco crops. Slaves were treated badly and they didn’t have any rights. Slaves were treated badly and they didn’t have any rights.
Were captured in their native Africa and sold to slave traders, then were shipped to the colonies where they were sold into slavery. Were captured in their native Africa and sold to slave traders, then were shipped to the colonies where they were sold into slavery. Were owned as property for life with no rights. Were owned as property for life with no rights. Were often born into slavery (Children of slaves were born into slavery.) Were often born into slavery (Children of slaves were born into slavery.) Slaves
The journey from Africa In the early 17 th century, as many as 20% of slaves perished on their journey across the Atlantic; this image shows captured Africans in the hold of a slave ship In the early 17 th century, as many as 20% of slaves perished on their journey across the Atlantic; this image shows captured Africans in the hold of a slave ship
They were men and women who did not have money for passage to the colonies and who agreed to work without pay for the person who paid for their passage. They were men and women who did not have money for passage to the colonies and who agreed to work without pay for the person who paid for their passage. They were free at the end of their contract. They were free at the end of their contract. Indentured servants
Indentured Servants Indentured Servants They were white poor people from Europe. They were white poor people from Europe. They worked in Virginia under conditions similar to slavery. They worked in Virginia under conditions similar to slavery. The agreed to work for 7 years, after this time they were free. The agreed to work for 7 years, after this time they were free.
From Indentured Labor to Slavery Slavery increased as the number of indentures from Britain declined
Pilgrims In 1620, the Pilgrims, (another group of colonists) arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They were religious.
Pilgrims settled in Plymouth Pilgrims settled in Plymouth
They were an English They were an English protestant group. protestant group. They founded Pennsylvania. They founded Pennsylvania. More English colonists came. More English colonists came. By 1733, there were 13 colonies. By 1733, there were 13 colonies. Quakers
Which title BEST completes the diagram? A. Slave B. Homemaker C. Artisan D. Indentured servant