COMP Recursion, Searching, and Selection Yi Hong June 12, 2015
Announcements Homework 4 deadline extended to June 13 th, by 11:59pm Final exam, comprehensive Wednesday, June 17 th, 8am – 11am Review on Monday
Today Introduction to Recursion Introduction to Search & Selection Not the focus of the final exam But, you should be able to understand the code in the slides (and know how to use the code in similar problems by making slight modifications).
Recursion Whenever an algorithm has one subtask that is a smaller version of the entire algorithm’s task, it is said to be recursive Recursion: you write a method to solve a big task, and the method invokes itself to solve a smaller subtask E.g., I want to eat 5 apples now. My subtask can be eating 4 apples, eating 3 apples, eating 2 apples, et….. To eat 5 apples, I can do: Eat 3 apples + Eat 2 apples Eat 1 apple + Eat 4 apples Eat 1 apple
Recursion Eating 1 apple is the smallest task that I can have. I cannot divide it anymore. This is the base case in recursion. Recursion is to divide a big task into smaller tasks. Smaller tasks are then divided further. Until we reach base case.
Recursion Let’s start with a simple example: calculating factorial Factorial(n) = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ….. * 3 * 2 * 1 How do you solve a task with smaller task(s)? Factorial(n) = n * Factorial(n-1)
Recursion Translate this into Java code public static int factorial( int n ) { if (n==1) return 1; // base case else return n * factorial(n-1); }
Recursion The recursion form can be more natural in many problems (than using loops) Some problems can be hard to formulate using naïve looping (but such problems are beyond the scope of this course) Let’s see more recursion examples: Digits to Words from textbook
Recursion: Digits to Words Define a method that takes a single integer as an argument and displays the digits of that integer as words. For example, if the argument is the number 223, the method should display: two two three Base case? Recursive rule?
Recursion: Digits to Words Base case: only 1 digit print word for 1 digit Recursive rule: Print words for n digits --> (print words for first n-1 digits) + (print word for last digit)
Recursion: Digits to Words public static void displayAsWords( int number ) { if (number < 10) // base case System.out.print(getWordFromDigit(number) + " "); else //number has two or more digits { displayAsWords(number / 10); System.out.print(getWordFromDigit(number % 10) + " "); } You should be able to write out: getWordFromDigit(int num)
Recursion: Digits to Words displayAsWords(987);
Search Given a list of numbers (in an array), how do you search for a number? Return index if the number is found in the array Return -1 if the number is not found
Sequential (Linear) Search Basic idea For each item in the list: if that item has the desired value, stop the search and return the item's location. Return Not Found. Can you do better than this (by making it faster)? The general answer is no No assumptions made on array (unsorted) In worst case, have to examine each array element at least once
Search How about sorted array? ( numbers are in ascending or descending order ) Can you make the linear search faster?
Search Let’s see an example: searching for 76
Search Given n numbers: In linear search, you need to explore one possible choice in each iteration Worst case, n comparisons needed With the new search algorithm (which only works for sorted array), we can reduce half of the search space in each iteration! How many comparisons do I need in the worst case?
Binary Search int binary_search(int A[], int key, int imin, int imax) { // test if search range is empty if (imax < imin) { return KEY_NOT_FOUND; // set is empty } else { // calculate midpoint to cut set in half int imid = midpoint(imin, imax); // three-way comparison if (A[imid] > key) // key is in lower subset return binary_search(A, key, imin, imid-1); else if (A[imid] < key) // key is in upper subset return binary_search(A, key, imid+1, imax); else // key has been found return imid; }
Search Algorithms A lot of search algorithms, here we just covered two simplest cases: Linear search in a list (array) of numbers Binary search in sorted array More with different data structures: Search in graphs and trees (computer science concepts, not the usual graph/tree) E.g., search for a move in chess game Search for relations/patterns in social network communication graph
Selection One selection problem: Find the smallest / largest number in a given list (array) No assumption made on the list ( so it is not sorted ) We have solved this in lab 4 Loop through each element, keep the largest/smallest Let’s relax the problem a bit
Selection Find the k-th smallest (or largest) element in a list of numbers How to solve this problem? Go through each element, for each element, check its position in list How many operations in the worst case? Sort array first. Then get the k-th element How many operations in the worst case
Selection Quickselect (quick in practice, but not in the worst case) To find k-th smallest number in n numbers: Randomly pick a number from the list, call it p Partition the array into two parts: Numbers that are < p (m numbers) Numbers that are > p (n – m – 1 numbers) If m==k-1, p is the k-th smallest If m > k, find the k-th smallest in the m numbers If m < k, find the (k-m-1)-th smallest in the (n-m-1) numbers On average, this requires ~n*constant operations But in the worst case, it is ~n^2*constant
Next Class Introduction to sorting