The water cycle
A Raindrop fell out of a cloud,
The cloud that had given it birth.
A Raindrop fell out of a cloud, The cloud that had given it birth. It had fun falling and tumbling down,
A Raindrop fell out of a cloud, The cloud that had given it birth. It had fun falling and tumbling down, Until it hit the Earth.
The raindrop thought the falling was over.
It fell in the mountains, on a slab of rock.
The raindrop thought the falling was over. It fell in the mountains, on a slab of rock. It thought that it would stay there, in a puddle.
The raindrop thought the falling was over. It fell in the mountains, on a slab of rock. It thought that it would stay there, in a puddle. But then it had a shock.
In the rock there were lots of tiny holes.
The raindrop went down into some of these.
In the rock there were lots of tiny holes. The raindrop went down into some of these. The holes went down and down and down.
In the rock there were lots of tiny holes. The raindrop went down into some of these. The holes went down and down and down. The raindrop was very pleased.
The raindrop wriggled down and down,
Until it could go down no more.
The raindrop wriggled down and down, Until it could go down no more. It had come to some rock which had no holes.
The raindrop wriggled down and down, Until it could go down no more. It had come to some rock which had no holes. It was like a smooth, hard, shiny floor.
As the raindrop moved along the hard, rock floor,
It came upon a wonderful thing. As the raindrop moved along the hard, rock floor,
It came upon a wonderful thing. It found itself bubbling out of the solid rock, As the raindrop moved along the hard, rock floor,
It came upon a wonderful thing. It found itself bubbling out of the solid rock, In a mountain spring. As the raindrop moved along the hard, rock floor,
The raindrop had lots more fun,
In a brook that babbled down the mountainside.
The raindrop had lots more fun, In a brook that babbled down the mountainside. It joined a stream, and then a river,
The raindrop had lots more fun, In a brook that babbled down the mountainside. It joined a stream, and then a river, And then the ocean big and wide.
In the ocean the raindrop felt the pull of the Sun,
Giving it the energy with which to rise.
In the ocean the raindrop felt the pull of the Sun, Giving it the energy with which to rise. And so it was lifted up and up,
In the ocean the raindrop felt the pull of the Sun, Giving it the energy with which to rise. And so it was lifted up and up, Into the blue and endless skies.