Our website is designed to: Help students conserve resources (fuel, money, time) Motivate event planners to not waste their excess food Appeal to the UMD audience and student lifestyle FoodFinder is a combination of several popular websites: Craigslist.org CampusFood.com eBay.com Twitter.com Facebook.com
Two different classes of users The on-campus students event holders Designed to mimic traditional web pages Main Page, Registration, Settings, Posting Database PHP Scripts (SMS, s, Timer) Two separate means of accessing event data The map interface SMS messaging system
16 surveys on SurveyMonkey.com 10 of these users were directly observed Wide variety of users Except from Pre-Task Survey
Task list Searching Registering Posting Signing on/off Editing settings Except from Task List
Post-Task Survey General ratings Specific ratings Except from general ratings from the post-task survey Except from specific ratings from the post-task survey
“…the exact address for the events are not listed” “Food Buzz would be a great name if this site was for discussing/rating restaurants. Nothing on here says ‘Free food’.” “A search or sort function on the list in the left bar might help, so you could order them by distance from you or search for a particular type of food, like all hamburger joints.” “You should say somewhere on the homepage what this site is for.”
IssueImportanceEase of ImplementingFactor The site's purpose was unclear to many users. The site never answered the question "why should I register?"5525 Consistent terminology (Eg. Event vs Posting)5420 Title of the website is misleading and doesn’t communicate its goal.3515 No easy way of searching or filtering results5315 Satelite imaging to give users more of a sense of where the event is.3515 Error checking wasn't thorough enough.5315 The welcome pannel was intrusive and/or did not last long enough.3412 Improvements
We successfully implemented a production ready website Users responded well to the FoodFinder concept Future Projections: Craigslist for UMD (terpunderground.com) Course ratings, book swapping, party finding Interface for advertising events Provide food as an incentive for attendance Mobile version of the site Instant message notifications Add a “Premium” posting type Make monetary gain from recruiting companies Front page “Featured” listing Front page advertisements and links