Online Actions Offline Consequences What you type, say, or do online can have a short and/or long-term effect on your life. 2
Bullying is an act of violence. It is intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words, or other behaviors committed by one or more persons against another in an obvious and subtle way.
Players Bullies: Individuals who harass and demean others, especially those who they think are weaker or inferior to them. Victim: Those who are bullied Bystanders: Those who encourage bullying or watch others get bullied, often doing nothing about it.
Cyberbullying is… A Web site set up to mock others Posting embarrassing photos or video A mean or threatening Outing or sharing secrets to others Exclusion: intentional and cruel exclusion of others IMing a private communication to others Humiliating text send over a cell phone
Cyberbullying is… Insulting another online gamer Forwarding gossip can be cyber bullying Impersonating someone else to spread rumors Practical jokes can be a form of harassment
Video: You Can’t Take it Back WI
Tips to Avoid Cyber Bullying Guard contact information Don’t give people you don’t know your cell number, screen name, or Don’t share passwords, not even with your friends Do not react when you get an harassing . Bullies want power and control over their victims
Common False Assumptions 11 When you set your social network site to private, only you can see what is on it. It is impossible to track a computer’s location over the Internet. You can’t be hurt by using the Internet, it is just text. Once I delete content (photos, video, text) on a Web site, it is permanently deleted. Most of the information on the Internet is accurate.
The Power of Duplication… Things stay online because: 1. You forget to remove it. 2. Someone else decided to make and keep a copy. 3. Many social networking sites keep information archived long after you deleted it. 12
Can You Trust Your Friends? 13
Meet the Wayback Machine 14
Social Networking Tips 15
Five Things to Remember… 16
1- Don’t Use Your Real Name 2- Don’t Post Photos in Public Spaces 3- Don’t Open from Strangers 4- Don’t Share Personal Information 5- Avoid Visiting Unknown Sites, but if you do ask the 5 questions (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) 17
Getting Help Parents Principal or Assistant Principal Teachers Guidance Counselors