* We will be able to recall and explain the meaning of Logos. * We will be able to explain the difference between strong and weak supporting evidence. * We will be able to apply what we learn about direct quotations to create our own direct quotes in the form of quote sandwiches.
* Let’s share our ethos, pathos, logos storyboards!
* Please complete the “Taking a Stance” handout with your group members.
* Share what your group discussed using the four- sentence summary you wrote.
* Turn to your SHOULDER PARTNER and tell him / her what logos is. * Then, tell him / her how it can be used in either speech or writing.
* Logos = Logic * The use of logic, rationality, and critical reasoning to persuade. Logos appeals to the mind. Logos seeks to persuade the reader intellectually.
Appeal to the mind / intellect Draw from philosophy and logic Facts Statistics If, then... Statements Definitions of terms Explanation of ideas Cause and effect Details that come from objective reporting Logical reasons and explanations
* Make a claim
* Now let’s explore this further by watching a video that will explain this further. Take good notes while watching! *
* Talk about what you learned! Be ready to share in a couple of minutes!
* You can collect evidence to support your argument by using... ?
* “Because I said so.”
* What types of evidence will you need to convince new students at The SAE of your argument? Make a list.
* “Using the Words of Others (and Avoiding Plagiarism)” handout
* The Quote Sandwich
* Bullying is a major problem around the world, not only in the United States. “The focus group interviews conducted suggest that students – particularly female students – view cyber bullying as a problem but one rarely discussed at school, and the students do not see the school district personnel as helpful resources for dealing with cyber bullying.” To me, this means that bullying needs to be put to an end.
* In his article “Students’ Perspectives on Cyber Bullying,” Ron Banks claims that “the focus group interviews conducted suggest that students – particularly female students – view cyber bullying as a problem but one rarely discussed at school, and the students do not see the school district personnel as helpful resources for dealing with cyber bullying” (43). Similar to the students in the focus group, students at The SAE feel unsupported by individuals working within the school district. However, this is a result of the lack of resources available to school personnel.
* Now let’s make one together!