É. Vaskövi 1, O. Udvardy 1, M. Endrődy 1, T. Beregszászi 1, P. Rudnai 1, É. Csobod 2 1 Department of Air Hygiene NCPH-NIEH 2 Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Easter Europe, Hungarian Office SEARCH March 2009, Bratislava, Slovakia
Identify the exposure level in combination with building characteristics and occupant behaviour and activities Analyse the passive samples Compare the air quality data measured by the participating centres Evaluation of the relationship between measured concentrations and possible emission sources Draw the conclusions
IAQ-related health problems in schools IAQ can potentially affect the health of students /staff in the educational process Children are more susceptible to poor IAQ Students spend 4-8 hrs a day in school Magnitude of schoolchildren population IAQ pollutants are 2 to 5 times higher
Within the school building Polluted outdoor air ( traffic, industry )
HCHO BTEX 1.panelling 2.fabric 3.plywood 4.floor carpet 5.furniture board 7. plastic flooring 8. oil paint 5. furniture 4 CHARACTERISTIC INDOOR SOURCES IN HUNGARIAN SCHOOLS
ALBANIA BOSNIA** HUNGARY ITALY* SERBIA SLOVAKIA * results aren’t integrated ** pollution data are presented only
CountryTown number School number Class number Albania31035 Bosnia31040 Hungary41043 Serbia71044 Slovakia21040
INDOOR classroom, in the breathing zone OUTDOOR ambient air, closest to the window of the classroom
CountryBeginning date End date Albania22/01/200804/04/2008 Bosnia24/12/200717/04/2008 Hungary05/11/200729/02/2008 Serbia28/01/200809/05/2008 Slovakia03/12/200714/03/2008
Protocol for field work Training and consultation The same portable monitors and passive samplers Blank samples Passive samples were collected by the countries and analysed by one laboratory Samples transportation were performed in compliance with the same protocol
HCHO P CO2 - values PM10 Albania Classroom crowdness (7 category) 0,0432 The wall is covered by white-wash 0,0136 When were the walls painted last time0,0254 Hungary Orientation of the classroom: facing the street 0,03530,0563 The floor is made of wood0,0518 0,0009 Time of opened windows (<1 h) 0,0029 Serbia On which floor is this classroom situated 0,0190 Windows not opened0,0105 0,0976 How frequently are the windows opened 0,0769 Slovakia Orientation of the classroom: facing the street0,0376 The floor is covered with carpet0,0736 Classroom crowdness (<2m2; <6m3) 0,0887
HCHO Orientation of the classroom: facing the streetSlovakia When were the walls painted last timeAlbania The floor is made of woodHungary The floor is covered with carpetSlovakia Windows not openedSerbia CO2 Orientation of the classroom: facing the streetHungary Time of opened windows (<1 h)Hungary How frequently are the windows openedSerbia PM10 On which floor is this classroom situatedSerbia Orientation of the classroom: facing the streetHungary Classroom crowdnessAlbania, Slovakia The wall is covered by white-washAlbania The floor is made of woodHungary The floor is covered with carpetSlovakia Windows not openedSerbia
- Facing the street: HCHO ↑ CO2 ↑ PM10↑ outdoor sources or not enough ventillaton? - Fresh painting → HCHO ↑ - Floor: wood or carpet → HCHO ↑ PM10↑ - Classroom crowdness → PM10↑