CONTENTS Intro to gaming technology Consoles Development in consoles Use of consoles Legal aspects of console gaming
INTRO TO GAMING TECHNOLOGY Gaming technology has been around for many years and are produced in many different format and ways this could be a cd for consoles and computers or small cartridges for hand held devices. My technology is consoles and the development of them. The first console was made in 1972 and called odyssey by a man called ralph baer it was first prototyped in 1968.
CONSOLES DEVELOPMENT Consoles have been up graded for years and is not stopping. It started off as huge and old and now they are new and high-tech with better pressers. They have been a big part of normal day life with more sites such as YouTube that film them self playing these games and people enjoy watching as they can ever find out about the game. Console have had to find ways to improver because of all the updates. One development of consoles was motion capture cameras such as the Kinect this is when you move the camera catches it and moves the charters.
USE OF CONSOLES Playing of games Entertainment Socialised Money (tournaments) Challenges
LEGAL ASPECTS OF CONSOLE GAMING Ethical Hacking and cyberbullying are two of the well known ethical aspects for consoles if you have younger people playing games that is on line you need to be carful because of cyberbullying your child could be residing messages that can be harmful and if it gets to bad in some cases it can result to suicide. Hacking is when some hacks in to your account and ever takes or changes your files and uses them for them self's. Social Social aspects of consoles are digital divide and access to friends. The on thing about consoles is that they change over time and people want to get the better models and there is a difference between the people who have the new one compared to the old ones. Also the access is better to friends over the years. This means that people can contact there friends and play with friends. Legal There are many laws about cyber bullying and copy rights. Cyber bullying is a common form bullying in technology and the consequences could be suicide it is now ageist the law to cyberbully and if you are you are allowed to call the police. The copy right laws are when you can only access the item with the promotion of the owner