EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Laurence Rouïl, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Anthony Ung Hendrik Elbern, Achim Strunk Thilo Erbertseder, Thomas Holzer-Popp, Renske Timmermans, Mikhail Sofiev, Philippe Garnesson PROMOTE Protocol Monitoring for the GMES Service Element on Atmosphere The Integrated Air quality Platform (IAQ)
EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 A cooperative work for delivering in an operational way analyzed and forecasted maps of air pollutant concentrations Based on 5-6 chemistry-transport models which are recognized for their performances, and run operationally at the European scale u CHIMERE and MOCAGE (PREV’AIR Consortium) u EURAD (RIU) u LOTOS-EUROS (TNO) u SILAM (FMI) u POLAIR (CEREA) Air quality forecasts and near real time analysed maps, throughout Europe, for regulatory atmospheric pollutants: Ozone, nitrogen dioxide, PM. Ensemble approach : the median of 5-6 “good” model results is generally “better” than a single model result PROMOTE: The Integrated Air quality platform Phase 1 Phases 2-3
EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Other issues Commitment related to the model resolution : 50km*50km to 25km*25km throughout Europe Use of observation data (in situ and satellite) to be integrated in the models in near real time ( for analyses and validation) Calculation of statistical scores against observation data (bias, RMSE, correlation coefficient) for the individual models and the ensemble Uncertainty analysis driven by the availability of several model results Availability of maps and numerical data through the webportal Archives
EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 IAQ products : ensemble forecasts
EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 IAQ products : analysed maps (to be updated with current maps) Correction (analysis-simulation) Analysed maps Simulation 9 June 2008 Simulation
EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Targeted User Communities Environmental national Organisations Local air quality monitoring networks Convention and Policy Entities Atmospheric Science Community Health Organisations Individual Citizens
EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Users who signed a SLA and evaluate the service AIRPARIF u Ensemble forecasts at the European scale for providing boundary conditions to their local air quality forecasting system u Interested in 3D concentration fields of ozone, PM and precursors u Scores and Uncertainty analysis u Basic products will be complete by mid-2008, score analysis by end-2008 EEA u Daily analysed maps of ozone corrected with NRT data available on the OzoneWeb (European scale) u Graphical product -> Communication issue (policy makers, general public) u Scores and uncertainty analysis u Products based on a single model available by mid-2008, ensemble tests by the end 2008
EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 If you are interested in getting IAQ products…. Just contact Laurence Rouil (service leader) and Thilo Erbertseder (IAQ website master) for getting a user account Specify the product your are interested in : u numerical data or graphical maps, u forecasts and/or analyses u geographical area for potential extraction u NRT products or archives u …. Formalisation about our reciprocal commitments in a Service Level Agreement
EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 After PROMOTE…. The GAS PROMOTE provides a prototype of the regional air quality service that will be proposed in the future GMES Atmospheric Service (GAS) It is based on existing products and established skills and experience Further scientific aspects are investigated in the GEMS project (FP6) Feasibility of the IAQ European platform has been demonstrated : it will be improved in the MACC project (Monitoring Atmospheric Change and Climate - FP7) u more models and more sophisticated ensemble approaches u new data assimilation procedures for the analyses u re-analyses over long periods (6 months - 1 year) using validated data u emergency scenarios In any cases : the users’ needs will drive further developments