Document Conservation and Preservation Some Basic Issues And Methods
Causes of Deterioration Temperature and Relative Humidity. Atmospheric Pollutants. Light. Biological Agents. Abuse and Mismanagement. Disasters.
Paper and Acid Acidity accounts for 90 percent of paper destruction. Paper production. Reasons for acidity. Definition of acid and acid-free.
Relative Humidity Amount of water vapor actually held in a specific amount of air low relative humidity may lead to desiccation and embrittlement of some materials Fluctuations can cause cockling in paper, flaking ink, warped covers on books, cracked emulsion on photographs, and cause mold growth. Steady RH between 45% and 60% should be the goal no more that 5% shift in 24 hours period
Air Quality Are external pollutants filtered out? Materials the displays are made from may outgas Other exhibition materials may outgas Gases form acids that attack exhibition materials and effect each media differently Silver Mirroring Images courtesy of: /Allsurface2.html /Allsurface2.html
Temperature Temperature effects relative humidity Heat accelerates deterioration: the rate of most chemical reactions, is approximately doubled with each increase in temperature of 10°C Should remain fairly stable at or around 18-21C no more than 5 degree shift per month Lighting may raise temperature
Photographic Security and Proper Storage Metal Containers. Temperature Constant: Prints, 65 degrees. Negatives, 45 degrees. Humidity Constant: 45 percent. Gloves and Use conditions. Separate Negatives from Prints.
Mold Damage Cockling Shrinking and Flaking Emulsion
Low Cost Solutions Implement an environmental monitoring program Avoid basements and attics Add weather stripping around doors and windows Install an air conditioning unit Ensure proper drainage around buildings Install storm windows to moderate temps and reduce condensation Use humidifiers and dehumifiers
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