Proposal for Term Project J. H. Wang Mar. 2, 2015
Options and Schedule for Term Projects Options for term projects –Option 1: team-based system project i.e., extension to homework exercises –Option 2: academic paper presentation Only one person, NOT team-based Tentative schedule for all teams: – Proposal : *required* one week after midterm (May 4, 2015) – Presentations (including demos): *required* in the last three (or four) weeks (starting from Jun. 8 or 15, 2015) – Final report : before the end of the semester (Jun. 30, 2015) Slides, source code, documentation
Proposal (for System Projects) A one-page description of ideas about your system – Introduction : an overview of the problem that you ’ re trying to deal with – Methods : possible issues in the problem, and the principal ideas on the architectural designs or tools to be used to solve the problem – Team members : the names and the roles of each individual member should be clearly identified – Preferred time slots : your preferred time slots within the last three weeks could be proposed A 20-minute presentation of the ideas of your design, including demo and Q&A System functionalities and presentations will be counted in the score
Proposal (for Paper Presentation) A one-page description of which papers you want to read and present – Introduction : an overview of the paper that you ’ re going to survey –Topics: information retrieval related – Preferred time slots : your preferred time slots within the last three weeks could be proposed No team work allowed A 20-minute presentation of the major ideas in the selected paper and Q&A Paper quality and presentations will greatly affect the score –Recommended sources: latest papers preferred Conferences: SIGIR, CIKM, WWW, JCDL, … Journals: TOIS, JASIST, IP&M,
Possible Topics for Systems Improvements on your prototype retrieval system based on exercises, e.g.: –User interface: query expansion, relevance feedback (Ch.9), visualization, search-result clustering (Ch. 15) for search-result presentation –Other improvements: more query types, retrieval models, document collections, ranking schemes, media types, … Any topic that you think interesting and non-trivial to build from your prototype system, e.g.: –Application of text classification, or clustering in different media –Retrieval and analysis of social media such as blog, news, … –Other applications: mobile IR, multimedia IR, cross-language IR, …
More on Mobile IR Mobile devices become more and more popular –Smart phones, iPad, … Growing applications for retrieval on mobile devices –Location-based services –Social, personalized search –User interface: (HCI) Output: limited screen size Input: multi-touch technology Battery: limited power Capacity: computing & storage –…
Possible Challenges and Issues Indexing and storage of mobile data Efficient query processing and retrieval of mobile data Content adaptation and information presentation for small display Automatic summarization and personalization of mobile data Scalable algorithms for large mobile databases Knowledge sharing among mobile peers Security and trusted retrieval of mobile data Location-based search for mobile devices
Proposal Submission Due: one week *after* midterm (May 4, 2015) Submission site: (To be announced) –Your proposal is subject to review and possible modification according to our suggestions The presentation schedule will be arranged in the last three (or four) weeks –Starting from Jun. 8 or 15, 2015 –Preferred time slots should be specified in the proposal – No other time slots available for presentation –No presentation, no score for term project
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