Understanding and Using Social Media
Attention Overload
What is Social Media? Online content created by people A shift in how people discover, read, and share news, information and content Moving from monologue (one to many) to dialogue (many to many) Changing people from content readers into contributors and publishers Does not require expensive equipment or a government-granted license
Types of Social Media Blogging –A blog (or 10) for every subject –Twitter (micro-blogging) Social Networking –Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Friendster, Bebo, Orkut, Hi5 –LinkedIn, Bookmarking sites –Del.icio.us, blogmarks, dogear Photo / Video sites –Flickr, Photobucket, YouTube Virtual Reality –Second Life, World Of Warcraft (WOW) Groups –Google, Yahoo!, etc.
Which Are The Most Popular? Network Size* (07) Size* (09) Facebook MySpace YouTube 123 views/day LinkedIn 5 45 Twitter 32 *Millions
Why should you care?
Facebook Where you spend time with people you know Part blog / part community – much of what’s on your page is contributed by selected friends You can play with apps and take & share surveys A replacement for Professional networking – sharing what you’re doing and posting examples of what you’ve done Businesses – fan sites where people to learn about the company, follow announcements and find links to the store site for orders
Facebook Fan Site
YouTube Where you watch & upload videos 14 hours uploaded every 60 seconds YouTube has become an important place for both people and businesses Share videos of personal interest (vacation, pets…) Share newsworthy videos (events, news, politics) Share videos of personal talents (music, interviews) Share business videos (product demos, pretest ads) Find videos about companies, products, people
YouTube Example
LinkedIn Where you make business contacts For professionals only – don’t expect anyone who isn’t in (or wants to be in) the workforce Start with your work history and go from there Display your information for others to find Find people who know people you want to meet Special interest groups add community feel Different attitudes on who to connect to Various levels of geographic filtering
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter Where you follow people you want to know A growing area where new things are happening Create your personal or business brand Advertising is out, unless it’s interesting, fun, & expected Can be trivial or useful If you don’t like what you see, follow someone else Bing and Google now have real-time access to Twitter –Searches now, more features coming soon
Blogging (Web Log) Where you speak your mind & show your stuff Part diary, part op ed commentary, part real journalism – all with comments from others Started like Twitter – frivolous, personal journals Don’t do it to make money (though it’s possible) Do it to find a career – show your expertise Do it to share a passion – cars, sports, … Do it to document your life – as long as you like living in a glass house
Example Blog
Application to Business
How Do I Use Social Media? Blogging/Microblogging –Show what you know and what you can do Social Networking –Connect & stay connected with others –Personal interest (music, shopping, sports, travel) Bookmarking sites –Share web finds –Become trusted source of information Photo / Video sites –Share pictures and videos (and search) Groups –Business, personal, special purpose
How Do I Use Social Media? (2) Regardless of where you go, remember: –Be Interesting! –Expect no privacy –Watch first and follow the accepted form –Do not advertise or ask for help immediately –Give first, receive later –Alliance partners – help each other
Using LinkedIn Just a couple of points (way too much said already) Spend more time on profile than on resume Include buzz words for searching recruiters Open your connections to others Try for 360 degree recommendations Keep active! –Change status, join groups, answer questions Stay-connected s Look for jobs and connections
Using Facebook Public or Private? (sorry, not a choice) More personal – not direct job search, but staying connected to others Promote yourself and promote others Post recommendations and thank-yous Create fan page to broadcast thoughts & events Stay on topic Be careful! Especially with photos
Using Twitter Know why you are on Twitter (brand) Speak to that topic (and keep on topic!) Set expectations, then meet them Create interesting content –Expertise, trends, informed opinions, etc. Keep active Help with viral growth (retweet) Follow others, many will follow you back
Using YouTube What happens in Vegas, stays on YouTube Be careful with your image or name! Great for research –Companies: CEO interviews & product demos –People: learn from their videos Post your own success stories –Proof of success –Your product demos
What’s Next? 20 years ago – no Web 10 years ago – no Facebook Today – Web 2.0 and Social Media, but mostly doing old things in a new way Near Future – starting to find new things to do with this new media