1 RegioStars 2010
2 1.Context Regio Stars categories 3.Procedure, eligibility and award criteria Results + resources
3 1. RegioStars – Context Part of "Regions for Economic Change“ initiative that reinforces the transfer of good practices between Europe's regions Aims to recognise good ideas and enthusiastic people in the regions making a difference the support offered from Cohesion policy Highlight good innovative practices
4 2.1 CityStar categories Each Region is invited to nominate one project in either category 1.Innovative use of brownfield sites in an urban context 2.The integration of migrants or marginalised groups in urban areas
5 2.2 ICT categories Each Region is invited to nominate one project in only one of the 3 categories 3.ICT applications for e-inclusion 4.ICT applications by or for SMEs 5.Broadband coverage in less developed regions or rural areas
6 2.3 Communication category Each Region is invited to nominate one project 6.A Website offering quality information and showing the European added-value
7 3.1 RegioStars Procedures RegioStars 2010 Jury will comprise experts on the award themes from different stakeholders Winners will be announced at the Spring 2010 “Regions for Economic Change” conference. Prize: winners will receive European recognition, a trophy and a film of their project will be produced.
8 3.2 Eligibility criteria - categories 1-5 Demonstration that the project has received ERDF, ESF or Cohesion Fund after Initial project can demonstrate impacts in the region, locality or urban area The project has been proactive in sharing experiences and or mobilising partners in the project
9 3.3 Award Criteria for thematic categories 1-5 Innovative character of the project Impact or expected impact of the project in terms of initial objectives Expected sustainability of the project Project’s results in enhancing local, regional and interregional partnerships
Eligibility Criteria - Category 6 Demonstration that the project has received ERDF, ESF or Cohesion Fund after The web site must refer to the programming period and/or present the achievements and results of the previous programming period. The site must be currently in use and available online.
Award Criteria - for category 6 User-friendly, attractive web design involving use of available technologies Presenting in an informative, efficient and creative way the role of the Community and showing the EU added value through the programme. Reliability and quality of the web site contents
RegioStars Rules Completed application forms submitted by 17 July 2009 to: Submitted by Regional Managing Authority (Interregional Cooperation or Urban projects – submitted by managing authority of lead partner). One application under one of the Categories 1-2 One application under one of the Categories 3-5 One application under Category 6 Project must have been funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund.
13 4. RegioStars 2009 were awarded 16 February 2009
14 Category 1: Research, Technological Development and Innovation DIPLE Printing Technologies - Wales, UK Cenaero Recherches - Hainaut, Belgium Category 2: Adaptation to or mitigation of climate change Centrale de production d'électricité photovoltaïque en milieu tropical, - Ile de la Réunion, France EnergyAgency.NRW, - North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany 4.2 RegioStars 2009 – Winners (1)
15 Category 3: Audiovisual spot or programme highlighting the contribution of Cohesion Policy “Do you know about ESPA?“ - Greece Two other projects received special mentions from the Jury: ROADEX – Interreg project - Lead partner Västerbotten, Sweden SpaceInnovation SAAR, - Saarland, Germany 4.3 RegioStars 2009 – Winners (2)
16 RegioStars Application form and information available on: regiostars_en.htm regiostars_en.htm RegioStars Application form and information available on: regiostars_en.htm regiostars_en.htm