Discovering the Joys of Social Software
Workshop Agenda Overview of Social Software RSS Blogs Lunch Social Bookmarking Wikis Podcasting Other Stuff
the new shape of knowledge Dave Weinberger
What does thismeanforeducation?
engaging relevant ownership
tagging xml aggregator Web 2.0 blogs podcast feeds posts Read/Write Web Conversation
joined small pieces loosely
RSSRSS eally yndication imple
Order Chronological Reverse
Less designing
More content
social bookmarking
Less exclusive
More sharing
Less isolated
More collaborative
Blogs A weblog is a website that offers one click publishing and avoids the need for any web design skills. It posts ideas in reverse chronological order and utilizes comments and links to create a rich and current perspective. Less designing and more content. Social bookmarking Storing favourite sites online is not only convenient but allows you to share you sites using tools like RSS. Tagging enables you to organize and search for sites based on your descriptions. Less exclusive and more sharing. Wikis wikis are editable webpages. They can be public or private. Users can make any changes to a document and save them. All revisions are saved so you can never mess up. Less isolated and more collaborative.
Less talk more rock Alternative Communication
Less rest rict ion
A tale of 2 educations
you have a textbook that is 5 years old. I will access up-to-date information
I will immediately know when I misspell a word – you have to wait until it’s graded.
you’ll use a 10 year old atlas I will explore the world using Google Earth-
-you will share yours with the class I will create artwork and poetry and share it with the world.
I will have 24/7 access – you have it 2 periods a week.
I will communicate with leaders and experts using blogs, , Skype and IM – you will wait for Friday’s speaker.
I will collaborate with my peers from around the world – you will collaborate with peers in your classroom.
-you must wait for the rest of the class. I will take my learning as far as I want
Let’s dive in…