Asperger’s syndrome is a type of autism spectrum disorder. It affects how the person interacts with others. When people with Asperger’s syndrome interact with others, they may be awkward and only show interest in certain topics. However, Asperger’s syndrome does not affect outward appearance. People with Asperger’s don’t look any different from us. Look at these people. Can you guess which one has Asperger’s?
Uncoordinated and clumsy Lengthy, one sided conversations. Doesn’t notice whether people are listening or changing the subject Speaks in a monotone without facial or hand gestures. Certain obsessions (examples: maps, baseball statistics, snakes, weather, train schedules) Does not relate to other’s emotions Is not making friends, especially with people of the same age Repetitive, ritualistic motions with body parts and objects Sensitive to things others don’t notice like light, sound, and fabric type People with Asperger’s syndrome have certain obsessions. This boy is fascinated by molecule structure.
There is no clear cause of Asperger’s syndrome. All we can do is guess at what might contribute to the condition. Scientists think it might have something to do with inheritance or genetic changes. It could also be related to changes in the structure of the brain. Lastly, experts think that Asperger’s syndrome may be a result of other disorders in mental health, such as bipolar disorder or depression. Asperger’s is mainly a disorder of the nervous system. People with Asperger’s syndrome are uncoordinated, overly sensitive, and think emotionally differently than most people. The brain controls all of these things, so clearly the brain is strongly affected by Asperger’s syndrome. Asperger’s syndrome affects the central nervous system because the brain is unable to maintain proper control over the body.
There is not much known about the origins of Asperger’s syndrome, but more and more people are beginning to research it. The disability is named for an Austrian researcher named Hans Asperger. After researching the disorder extensively, he opened a school for kids with Asperger’s syndrome in the 1940s. Sadly, the school was eventually bombed. However, his work led the way for more research to be done. Asperger’s syndrome is not a very common disorder. Only 2-6 people in every 1,000 have it. Roughly 400,000 families have been affected. Strangely, the disability is mostly found in boys. In fact, boys have it 3-4 times more than girls. Nobody knows why. Things are getting better for people with Asperger’s. Because they have trouble socially, they are often bullied, but now that it has been researched more, less people with the disorder are getting picked on.
Asperger’s cannot be fully treated. However, there are some things to help people cope. Some ideas are: Training for communication and social skills Therapy for behavior and mind Medications including: Aripiprazole- for irritation Guanfacine- attention span SSRIs- treats depression and repeating behavior Risperidone-short temperedness Olanzapine and naltrexone- reduce repetition All these medications have side effects like weight gain, increased blood sugar, getting drowsy, headaches, and increased cholesterol. Kids with Asperger’s syndrome may need to take lots of medicine to help them keep up with others.
REFERENCES Accepting Asperger's Syndrome | This Is a Crash Course to Accepting Your Asperger's! Web. 15 May Angelfire: Welcome to Angelfire. Web. 15 May "Asperger Syndrome." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Kids Health. Web. 15 May "Asperger Syndrome." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 15 May "Asperger's Disorder - Children, Causes, DSM, Functioning, Therapy, Adults, Person, People." Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. Mind Disorders. Web. 15 May "Asperger's Syndrome - Prognosis - Prevention -, Inc." Medical Information Websites and Medical Web Design for Doctors - -, Inc. Neurology Channel. Web. 15 May Klin, Ami. "History of Asperger’s Disorder | Psych Central." Psych Central - Trusted Mental Health, Depression, Bipolar, ADHD and Psychology Information. Psych Central. Web. 15 May Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Asperger's Syndrome -" Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. Web. 15 May