Contact Information David B. Wood, ND LORD (5673) Trinity Family Health Clinic, PS – 33 rd Ave. W. Ste. 301 Lynnwood, WA 98036
Men’s Prostate Health Next to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sexual dysfunction the most common complaint I get from middle aged men is: Prostate problems. Do you have symptoms of prostate enlargement? Here are a few common Sx: Slow onset of urination? Weakened urinary stream? Frequent need for urination? Nocturia or the need to get up during sleep to urinate? Must use force to start urine flow and dribbling or loss of urine after urination
See Your Doctor for a Checkup Laboratory Assessment: PSA (prostate specific antigen) Look at not only the PSA level but its doubling time (looking at past results to see how fast the PSA is climbing) Testosterone, Free and Weakly bound Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Physical Exam Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) to rule out any lumps/bumps, determine the weight of the prostate (gram weight) and firmness or sponginess of the gland Suspicious findings on DRE? Possible Prostate Ultra Sound Possible Prostate Biopsy
Protocol Diet – High Fiber (25-35 grams/day) Avoid all refined/processed foods Five or more servings of vegetables/day especially Cruciferous vegetables (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts) Healthy Regulation of Estrogen Three servings of fruit/day especially TOMATOES (cooking improves protective benefits!) Source of the powerful antioxidant - LYCOPENE One or more servings of Beans/Lentils/day One – Two servings of nuts/day especially PUMPKIN SEEDS
Exercise/Stress Modification Combine aerobic & weight training Increase lean muscle mass/enhance metabolic rate, improve circulation, supports healthy testosterone levels and low estrogen levels De-stress your emotions – prayer, meditation, worship music Lower stress hormones – cortisol
Conclusion Take care of your health! Be Proactive! Get thorough checkups and be a good steward of your health Why? To live a longer, healthier, more enjoyable life – to be better able to serve our LORD
A Question I often get from my patients is: Dr. Wood what supplements can I take to keep my prostate gland healthy?
Oral Rx (Nutritional) Prostate Support Product with: Zinc, Beta Sitosterol, Lycopene, Saw Palmetto, Nettles (urtica), Pygeum Essential Fatty Acids supplement such as EPA/DHA (fish oil) or Flax Oil DIM (diindolyl methane) reduce estrogenic stimulation of Prostate