Why Integrate Social Media in your Website?
“Students don‘t click on links to social networking sites when the value of doing so is not evident. Sites need to set expectations and be explicit about the benefits of visiting them on other platforms.” — Nielsen Norman Group, “College Students on the Web”
This doesn’t work anymore
This doesn’t work anymore Because you are competing with:
This doesn’t work anymore Because you are competing with: Celebrities
This doesn’t work anymore Because you are competing with: Celebrities News
This doesn’t work anymore Because you are competing with: Celebrities NewsFriends
Show them your Content
“Only 13% of online adults use Twitter” – Pew Internet & American Life Project, June 2011 Broaden Your Audience
16,650 “fans”
Who you’re missing: 16,650 “fans” Broaden Your Audience
My TweetDeck
Bring that conversation to your website
15,000 Video plays 685 Tweets A Twitter trending topic in Washington, DC
14,000 Pageviews 2,650 Tweets A Twitter trending topic WORLDWIDE for 15 minutes