Status Report #5 Automatic Child Safety Gate: Corry Winslow Roger Battles Philip So Description: A telescoping gate with sensor technology through the interface of weight and IR sensors through a microcontroller
Overall Need Current Design: Many design flaws compromise safety Overall user friendliness No anti-climbing mechanism 3 Primary Milestones 1.Sensor Testing: Weight & IR08/24/ Gate Construction: Cutting09/24/ Microcontroller interfacing 11/01/2008 with sensors and gate hardware
Completed Tasks Invention Disclosure Web Site Motor specs. Chose motor driver Slide Rails
Ongoing Tasks Program Microcontroller & Troubleshooting Interface all software and hardware
Upcoming Tasks: Week Order remaining parts i.e. slide rails, motors, load strip, etc. Write code for load cells Finish final gate construction
Current Schedule
Block Diagram 100% 85% 100% 15% 100% 85% 5%100% 70% 75%