Learning Media Programme Wim Westera, CELSTEC, Open University of the Netherlands
Books Letters TV Telephone Audiocassettes Laserdisk CLV,CAV Videocassettes Audio CD’s CD-I CD-ROM Bulletin Board Mercator (CMS) LMS Studienet (Web, RCA’s, streaming) Edubox DVD-V Blackboard …ELO2B… Media production unit Educational media at OU.NL Learning Media Programme
Changing needs of society Initial learning Supply driven Teacher-controlled Formal School Face to face School Uniform schedule Uniform product Content Lifelong learning Demand driven Learner-empowered Non-formal Workplace Any device Anywhere Anytime Any tempo Personalised Support
Emerging media technologies Wideband internet Wireless and mobile networking Virtual representations Multi-user environments Social software Ambient intelligence Tangible interfacing Speech processing ….
Media’s impact
Media Literacy
Learning Media Programme Assumptions: Learning from experience Mixed reality environments Personal media Personalised and contextualised support services Objective: “…to establish new methods for the arrangement of rich-media, multi-channel learning arenas that are efficient, versatile, flexible, challenging, adaptive, personalised, pervasive and context sensitive…”
Facts and figures Start September 2008 Internationally reviewed Runs for 6 years Total 13 fte (ca. 80%, 10 fte externally funded) (2009) 40% R&D, 60% Solutions & Training Explorative task: new media technologies for learning and teaching CELSTEC Laboratory for Open Innovation
Enhancing distance education 1.Traditional deskwork 2.Laboratory work 3.Shared work 4.Field work Deskwork Shared work Fieldwork Labwork Programme Themes: Immersive media Social media Mobile media
Immersive media for learning Absorbing, rich media environments Virtual laboratories/virtual practicals Real world complexity, Realtime awareness Serious games Computational dynamics/ simulations Role play/multi-user models Mixed and augmented virtuality
Social media for learning Collective expertise and creativity of learners User-generated content Data mashups Content tagging/annotation Aggregation of mashup tools and services Socio-cultural codes Media literacy
Mobile media for learning Ubiquitous, adaptive and contextualised access Cross media authoring and delivery Ubiquitous access Location-based learning Contextualised, personalised learning Mixed & augmented reality learning
Main Projects MACE: Searching and learning in Architecture I-COPER: Adapting learning standards to HE needs SHARETEC: Harvesting infrastructure for teacher training LO’s GRAPPLE: Adaptive Personalized Learning Environments SKILLS LABS: Serious game development in HE OPENSCOUT: open user-generated content in management education and training STELLAR: Extending technology-enhance learning community
Solutions, services and training Infrastructure: VLE-pilots, standards, authoring tools, repositories Content development: Online games, IMS-LD, cross media delivery, mixed reality designs Investigations: Software benchmark, usability, feasiblity, strategy dev. Training: Serious game design workshop, Mobile learning workshop, OAI-PMH workshop, Collaborative authoring workshop
CELSTEC Laboratory
Widened scope of CELSTEC lab 1.Media technologies for experimentation 2.Shared facilities for Otec/Celstec programmes 3.Open collaboration with external parties 4.Hot desking arrangements 5.A stage in the innovation cycle
Stage in the innovation cycle R&DExperiments ImplementationAppliance Directed by Celstec Directed by partners Celstec staffPartner staff Laboratory
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